9 healthy nuts low in carbs

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Shelled nuts are usually high in fat and protein but low in carbohydrates. Therefore, most of these nuts are very suitable for people who are on a carbohydrate-restricted diet such as the Ketogenic diet. Here are nine nuts for a low-carbohydrate diet.

1. Pecans (Pecans)

Although pecans have a sweet taste, this is a very healthy nut that provides many essential nutrients for the body.
These nuts are not only low in carbs and high in fiber, but also packed with important nutrients like Thiamine (vitamin B1), Magnesium, Phosphorus and zinc.
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 4g Net carbs (the amount of carbs the body can absorb) in 1 oz (28g): 1g Percentage of calories from carbs: 8% Carbs in 100g nuts: 14g Pecans are very low in carbs and net carbs are absorbed even lower (only 1g Carb in a 28g serving).
Net carbs, also known as digestible carbs, are calculated as total weight less fiber. Since the body does not absorb the full amount of fiber in food, it is usually eliminated from the body and only pure carbs are absorbed.

Fiber, especially the soluble fiber found in nuts like pecans, has been shown to lower blood sugar and improve blood levels of substances linked to heart disease such as LDL cholesterol. .
1.5 oz (42g) of pecans per day can significantly reduce risk factors for heart disease in overweight people. Pecans help lower triglycerides, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol and blood sugar.

Hình ảnh hạt hồ đào (Pecans)
Hình ảnh hạt hồ đào (Pecans)
In 12 studies, a diet containing at least 2 oz (56g) of shelled nuts, including pecans, per day significantly reduced fasting blood sugar and HbA1c (fullness is a marker of blood sugar). blood sugar monitoring).
In summary, pecans are a healthy low-carb nut that helps regulate blood sugar and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

2. Macadamia Nuts (Macadamia)

Similar to pecans, macadamia nuts are also low in carbs, high in fat and are an ideal food for low carb diets
In addition, they are rich in B Vitamins, Magnesium, Iron , Copper and Manganese.
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 4g Net carbs: 2g Percentage of calories from carbs: 8% Carbs in 100g: 14g Fatty nuts like macadamia nuts are also high in unsaturated fats . Research shows that these fatty foods are beneficial for the cardiovascular system by helping to lower bad cholesterol and improve inflammatory substances in the body.

A study of 17 male patients with high cholesterol showed that consuming 40-90g of macadamia nuts per day helped reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Maintaining a diet rich in foods rich in flavonoids (an antioxidant) like macadamia nuts can help reduce the risk of heart disease, memory loss, diabetes and some cancers.
Macadamia nuts are an excellent source of fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Including these low-carb nuts in your diet can help improve the cardiovascular system and reduce inflammation.

Mắc ca thuộc nhóm thực phẩm có hàm lượng carbs thấp
Mắc ca thuộc nhóm thực phẩm có hàm lượng carbs thấp

3. Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are large in size, low in carbs, and can provide many essential nutrients for the body. These nuts contain a high concentration of selenium.
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 3g Net carbs: 1g Percentage of calories from carbs: 8% Carbs in 100g: 12g Selenium is a mineral needed for many important metabolic functions in the body, producing DNA production and immune response. It is also necessary for thyroid function and is considered an antioxidant that protects cells from damage from free radicals.
Studies have shown that using Brazil nuts effectively reduces many inflammatory substances and improves cholesterol levels. Since Brazil nuts are a selenium-rich food, it is recommended to consume less than 4 nuts per day to avoid exceeding the 400 mcg Selenium concentration limit.

In summary, Brazil nuts are a nut that contains low carbs and is the best natural food source of Selenium for the body.

Hình ảnh hạt Brazil
Hình ảnh hạt Brazil

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are not only low in carbs, but also packed with other nutrients like B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, polyphenol antioxidants, and fiber.
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 4g Net carbs: 2g Percentage of calories from carbs: 8% Carbs per 100g: 14g Daily use of walnuts has been shown to improve cardiovascular function, lower blood pressure pressure, boost brain function and may even help with weight loss. For example, in a 12-month study of 293 people, subjects whose diets included about 30g of walnuts per day lost significantly more weight than the control group.
Walnuts are high in fat and contain a natural source of Omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). A diet rich in ALA helps reduce heart disease and stroke. In addition, walnuts also help control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.
In short, walnuts are a natural source of low carb and rich in omega-3s. Consuming walnuts helps you lose weight, improves cardiovascular function and is beneficial in blood sugar control.

Hạt óc chó có hàm lượng chất béo cao phù hợp với việc kiểm soát đường huyết
Hạt óc chó có hàm lượng chất béo cao phù hợp với việc kiểm soát đường huyết

5. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are high in fat, fiber, vitamin E, magnesium and vitamin K.
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 5g Net carbs: 2g Percent calories from carbs: 10% Carbs in 100g: 17g They also contain large amounts of antioxidants that help fight inflammation in the body. In addition, these seeds are high in L-arginine, an amino acid that is a precursor to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a neurotransmitter that relaxes blood vessels and is important for the cardiovascular system.

Hazelnuts are also rich in fiber and unsaturated fats. Both of these substances are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Research shows that a diet high in hazelnuts helps protect against cardiovascular disease by reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure and lowering LDL cholesterol.
In conclusion, hazelnuts are a great source of antioxidants as well as heart-healthy substances like L-arginine, fiber, and unsaturated fats.

6. Pine nuts

Pine nuts have a very distinct taste and fatty taste due to their high fat content. This is a great source of nutrients and especially vitamin E, manganese, vitamin K, zinc, copper and phosphorus.
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 4g Net carbs: 3g Percentage of calories from Carbs: 8% Carbs in 100g: 13g

Hạt thông chứa giá trị dinh dưỡng cao
Hạt thông chứa giá trị dinh dưỡng cao
Like other nuts, pine nuts are also beneficial for the cardiovascular system, reducing cholesterol levels and preventing the formation of plaque in the blood vessels. What's more, people who used pine nuts daily lost weight compared to those who didn't. Besides, eating pine nuts daily can help reduce insulin resistance, lower blood sugar, reduce inflammation and increase good cholesterol such as HDL cholesterol. You can make your own pine nuts by adding them to salads, baking or eating them raw for a health boost
In a nutshell, pine nuts are packed with nutrients and adding pine nuts to your diet promotes health and can achieve ideal weight.

7. Peanuts.

Although peanuts belong to the legume group, they can also be considered a nutrient-rich nut. Peanuts contain nutrients like vitamin E, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and copper.
They are also a very good source of plant-based protein, containing 7g of protein in 1oz (28g) of peanuts.
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 6g Net carbs: 4g Percentage of calories from carbs: 14% Carbs in 100g: 21g Peanuts are packed with antioxidants like resveratrol, which is a powerful phenolic antioxidant. protect the cardiovascular system, some cancers and memory impairment.
Research shows that consuming peanuts can help with weight loss and protect against cardiovascular diseases. Peanuts have high protein content and delicious taste, so they are combined with many different foods to create many attractive dishes.
In a nutshell, peanuts are high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Consuming peanuts is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and may even promote weight loss.

Hạt đậu phộng chứa nhiều chất chống oxy hóa như resveratrol
Hạt đậu phộng chứa nhiều chất chống oxy hóa như resveratrol

8. Almonds

Almonds are a nut that are low in carbs but packed with nutrients. They are rich in vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin B2, copper, phosphorus and manganese.
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 6g Net carbs: 3g Percentage of calories from carbs: 15% Carbs in 100g: 22g Almonds are high in protein, about 6g in 1 serving (28g) of protein. Research shows that a diet high in almonds can help with weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing the need to eat.
Almonds can be combined with many foods and are also a great choice in snacks. In addition, almonds are processed into low-carb products. For example, almond flour is a low-carb alternative to traditional flour, used in pancakes or cookies.
In short, almonds are a high protein, low carb food that can be used in a variety of ways.

9. Low-carb nut butter

Besides nuts that are low in carbs, another choice for those on a carb-restricted diet is nut butter.
Almond butter
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 6g Net carbs: 5g Percentage of calories from carbs: 13% Carbs in 100g: 21g

Bơ hạnh nhân là nguồn thực phẩm giàu dinh dưỡng và ít carbs
Bơ hạnh nhân là nguồn thực phẩm giàu dinh dưỡng và ít carbs

Peanut butter
Total carbs in 1 oz (28g): 5g Net carbs: 3g Percentage of calories from carbs: 8% Carbs in 100g: 19g Natural nut butters are free of additives like sugar to help provide many of the same benefits as nuts. However, butters can be combined with many other dishes. Nut butter can also be added to low-carb smoothies to increase protein and fat intake.
In a nutshell, shelled nuts are a rich source of nutrients and low in carbs. They contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Consuming a variety of low-carb nuts can improve weight loss and good glycemic control.
Reference source: healthline.com
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