Nutritional value of almonds

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Almonds are one of the most popular nuts in the world. The nutritional profile of almonds is rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Here are the nutritional values ​​​​that almonds bring.

1. Almonds provide a large amount of nutrients

Almonds originate from the Middle East. Almonds are sold raw or roasted. They are also used to make almond milk, oil, butter, flour or paste. In 28 grams of almonds contain the following nutrient content:
Fiber: 3.5 grams Protein: 6 grams Fat: 14 grams Vitamin E: 37% RDI Manganese: 32% RDI Magnesium: 20% RDI Almonds also contains trace amounts of copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and phosphorus. In addition, almonds are also high in phytic acid, a substance that binds certain minerals and prevents them from being absorbed. While phytic acid is generally considered a healthy antioxidant, it also slightly reduces the amount of iron, zinc, and calcium you get from almonds.

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Hạnh nhân nhân chứa nhiều vi chất có lợi cho sức khỏe người dùng

2. Almonds are loaded with antioxidants

Almonds are an excellent source of antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect against stress, which can damage molecules in cells and contribute to inflammation, aging and diseases like cancer. The powerful antioxidants in almonds are mainly concentrated in the brown layer of the skin. A clinical trial of 60 male smokers found that consuming about 84 grams of almonds per day reduced 23 biomarkers of oxidative stress. Eating almonds with meals helps reduce several markers of oxidative damage.

3. Almonds are rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E is associated with fat-soluble antioxidants. These antioxidants tend to build up in cell membranes in the body, protecting cells from oxidative damage.
Almonds are one of the good sources of vitamin E. Several studies have shown a link between vitamin E consumption and lower rates of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease.

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Hạnh nhân có nhiều vitamin E giúp chống oxy hóa

4. Almonds Can Support Blood Sugar Control

Nuts are low in carbs but high in healthy fats, protein and fiber. So they are a perfect choice for people with diabetes.
Another benefit of almonds is their high magnesium content
Magnesium is a mineral involved in more than 300 body processes, including blood sugar control. Almonds assist in correcting this deficiency significantly reducing blood sugar levels and improving insulin function. People without diabetes also saw a significant reduction in insulin resistance when supplementing with magnesium.
This indicates that magnesium-rich foods like almonds can help prevent metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

5. Magnesium in almonds can also help lower blood pressure levels.

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. Magnesium deficiency is strongly associated with high blood pressure regardless of whether you are overweight or not. Studies show that correcting magnesium deficiencies can lead to major reductions in blood pressure. If dietary recommendations for magnesium are not met, adding almonds to your diet may have a huge impact.

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Hạnh nhân có ích với người bệnh lý tăng huyết áp

6. Almonds Can Lower Cholesterol Levels

High levels of LDL lipoprotein in the blood also known as "bad" cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease. Diet can have a big effect on LDL levels. Some studies show that almonds effectively reduce LDL. A 16-week study in 65 people with diabetes found that a diet that provided 20% of calories from almonds reduced LDL cholesterol levels by an average of 12.4 mg/dL. Another study found that eating 42 grams of almonds per day lowered LDL cholesterol by 5.3 mg/dL while maintaining "good" HDL cholesterol.
Almonds prevent harmful oxidation of LDL cholesterol. It also protects LDL from oxidation, which is an important step in the development of heart disease. Almond skin is rich in polyphenol antioxidants, which help prevent cholesterol oxidation. The effectiveness can be even greater when combined with other antioxidants such as vitamin E.

7. Almonds are good for bone health

Almonds are a bone-building food. A 1-ounce serving of almonds has as much calcium as 1/4 cup of milk. On top of that, it's loaded with phosphorus to keep the skeleton and body healthy, which in turn reduces the risk of fractures.

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Hạnh nhân tốt cho sức khỏe của người sử dụng nếu được dùng đúng cách

8. Almonds may be effective for weight loss

Your body does not absorb about 10-15% of the calories in nuts. In addition, some evidence suggests that eating nuts may boost metabolism. Due to their satiating properties, nuts are an excellent choice for an effective weight loss diet.
A study in 100 overweight women found that those who consumed almonds lost more weight than those who dieted. They also showed improvements in waist circumference and other health markers.
Despite being high in fat, almonds are definitely a weight loss friendly food. Almonds and other nuts are very high in calories.
Eating almonds reduces hunger, reduces overall calorie intake. Almonds are low in carbs and high in protein and fiber. Both protein and fiber are known to increase feelings of fullness. This can help you eat fewer calories. A four-week study in 137 participants found that consuming a daily 43-gram serving of almonds significantly reduced hunger and the desire to eat.
Almonds are high in fat, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. Health benefits of almonds include lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels. It can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss. All of which makes almonds almost a perfect food to eat.
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