Diet for 3 year old baby

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Children need a lot of energy to develop height as well as brain system. Accordingly, the diet for 3-year-old children should be provided with adequate nutrients such as vitamins, protein, calcium, ... so that the baby can develop comprehensively and limit the risk of rickets. and malnutrition.

1. Energy needs for 3-year-old baby

Nutrition for 3-year-old children will have many changes. At this time, the recommended energy requirement is about 1,000 - 1,400 calories/day. This level of variation will depend on your weight and level of physical activity (most activities of the day). The amount of food for babies requires enough ingredients from the food groups to provide enough nutrients needed for the body. In addition to choosing enough foods from each food group, your child needs 3 to 4 teaspoons of a healthy oil such as margarine or canola oil.

2. Diet for 3-year-old baby

2.1. Milk and dairy products for 3-year-old babies Milk is a food rich in calcium and vitamins. In addition, it also provides adequate fats and cholesterol needed to promote the growth and development of children. Furthermore, milk is especially beneficial because it provides children with a significant amount of vitamin D (the vitamin requirement in babies is 400IU/day).

Sữa cung cấp tương đối đầy đủ các vi chất cho cơ thể của trẻ
Sữa cung cấp tương đối đầy đủ các vi chất cho cơ thể của trẻ

2.2. Juice Children should be more used to the taste of water than juice. Juice isn't bad, it's also an important source of several growth-promoting vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C. What's more, juice also provides some other nutrients like calcium and vitamin D. However, drinking juice, even when diluted, can make children like the sweet taste. At the same time, drinking fruit juice at an early age stimulates the consumption of "liquid calories," which some experts say is the cause of childhood obesity. Plus, drinking too much juice can lead to tooth decay.

2.3. Vitamins Some multivitamins can be given to babies at this age. Because, your baby may eat erratically for a few days or even weeks. At that time, children will easily be deficient in some micronutrients. Supplementing with micronutrients for children helps to ensure the necessary amount of micronutrients for children in case they eat irregularly. However, parents should only supplement, but not replace, diets.
For example, many children do not meet the recommended daily intake of vitamin D, even though the body can make vitamin D by absorbing sunlight through the skin. To supplement vitamin D besides milk, you can use some other foods that also have high vitamin D content: cereals (40-60 IU), orange juice (50IU), eggs (20-40 IU/adult) ).

Trứng là thực phẩm chứa hàm lượng vitamin D cao
Trứng là thực phẩm chứa hàm lượng vitamin D cao
2.4. Sugar and salt in children's diets Children at this age need to get used to the natural salty taste of foods. However, processed foods containing a lot of salt are foods that children love, such as sausages, pasta, cheese... Too much sodium in the diet can be linked to high blood pressure in humans. big. Studies show that a lower sodium salt intake in childhood may reduce the risk of blood pressure with age in adulthood.
Natural sugars are always present in nutritious foods including fruits, vegetables and milk. However, processed foods that have sugar, such as cakes, candies, etc., often contain only sugar, fat and almost no other nutrients. Children can add sugar from foods such as rice, whole grains, yogurt... Moreover, children should limit drinking soft drinks or fruit juices, but instead have fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetables.

3. Some dietary tips for 3-year-olds

Accept your baby's strong preferences for food. Your baby's preferences will change from day to day. For example, she may gobble up a particular food, but the next day she doesn't like it anymore. Or your baby may eat the same food for several days in a row. These behaviors are typical in 3-year-olds. Parents, please continue to provide healthy foods for your baby. Encourage but do not force your baby to try new foods. Offer small amounts of new foods your baby can taste, along with other foods he already enjoys. Provide nutritious food at every meal.

Trẻ cần được có chế độ dinh dưỡng phù hợp với lứa tuổi của mình
Trẻ cần được có chế độ dinh dưỡng phù hợp với lứa tuổi của mình

Provide simple and nutritious meals. Meals should include foods that provide protein, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Children should not eat while watching TV. Television advertising can be a major challenge for 3-year-olds' nutrition. Because, they are easily influenced by advertisements of unhealthy foods such as sugary cereals, fast foods and sweets... Diet for 3-year-old baby is very important for development. of children. At this stage, parents need to be very careful, because at this stage the diet also has a certain influence on the formation of the child's personality.
In addition, children who do not eat properly are at risk of micro-mineral deficiencies causing anorexia, growth retardation, malabsorption,... If the above-mentioned signs are noticed, parents should supplement the child's diet. Supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins help to fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.
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