Can foods help with depression?

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Depression is an extremely dangerous disease that can direct the patient to negative actions, thoughts, and self-harm. In fact, there have been many heartbreaking stories caused by depression, suicidal depression, depression... are actions that patients often come to.

For people with depression, the negative manifestations often recur many times and become chronic, the patient will not be able to take care of themselves. Any age is at risk for depression. Not only yourself, but also those around you are at risk when being with someone with depression.
Many people don't know what to do when depressed or how to get out of depression. This is what makes treatment difficult.
Depression is a dangerous disease, related to neurological disorders of the brain. Therefore, protecting the normal functioning of the brain will be effective in disease prevention. This function depends largely on the daily diet. Therefore, one of the ways that can help get rid of depression is to pay attention to nutrition.
When the body is debilitated, the interrupted metabolism will immediately make your spirit low. To revive their health and get rid of depression, patients need to provide enough groups of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals; Pay special attention to foods that are good for nerve activity in the brain.
Foods that are good for people with depression include:
Foods high in antioxidants Foods that contain anti-inflammatory foods Carbohydrates rich in protein Foods rich in Magnesium, selenium Omega-3 fatty acids Mushrooms In addition to using good foods, to quickly get rid of depression, patients need to stay away from foods such as:
Foods and drinks containing stimulants Sugar and artificial sweeteners Processed foods Ready-to-eat fried, greasy foods Do not eat salty Depression is a difficult disease to treat and must be treated for a long time. However, you can prevent the risk of depression by ensuring yourself a reasonable diet and a healthy lifestyle, providing the brain with the necessary nutrients.

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