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Articles in Vitamin B

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Red raspberry leaf tea: Pregnancy, benefits, and side effects
Red raspberry leaf tea is a beneficial food for pregnant women. There is significant scientific evidence showing that it helps shorten labor time and reduce obstetric complications. In addition, red raspberry leaf tea is also a food rich in vitamins and minerals
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16 Foods High in Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Niacin is also known as vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid), niacin is one of the 8 B vitamins. Like all B vitamins, niacin plays a role in converting carbohydrates into glucose, metabolizing fats and proteins and keeping the nerves system work well. Niacin also helps the body make hormones related to sex, stress and improves blood circulation and cholesterol levels. So which foods are high in niacin? This article will provide you with information about 16 common foods in daily meals that are high in niacin.
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Should you eat mushrooms during pregnancy?
Many people wonder if it’s safe to eat mushrooms during pregnancy. The good news is that most edible mushrooms are nutritious and perfectly safe for moms-to-be!
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What are the benefits of pigeon meat?
Pigeon meat has a decent value of nutrition, more than 9 times compared with chicken meat. Dishes made from pigeon meat has a very good effect on nourishing the body, especially for women who are pregnant, malnourished children, or people who have just recovered from illness.
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What Are the Health Effects of Eating Raw Eggs?
Chicken eggs are a familiar food, commonly used in everyone's diet. With chicken eggs as ingredients, we can prepare various delicious dishes. In particular, cooked chicken eggs provide a good amount of nutrition that is beneficial for health. So, does eating raw chicken eggs have any effect on health?
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What nutrients are you lacking if you have dry lips all the time?
Chapped, peeling and even bleeding lips are an unwanted yet common condition in every life. Having chapped lips all the time can be a sign that your body is lacking some vital vitamins. In this case, taking care of dry, nutritionally deficient lips demands a more comprehensive strategy.
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What should you eat to increase cortisol levels?
Cortisol is a stress hormone. A deficiency in cortisol can be harmful to the body and, in severe cases, may lead to death. Therefore, supplementing the body with the required amount of cortisol is essential. Cortisol can be supplemented by eating through a reasonable diet. So, what should you eat to increase blood cortisol levels?
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