The following article has been professionally reviewed by MSc, MD, Nguyen Thanh Nam, a Diagnostic Imaging Specialist at Vinmec Danang International General Hospital, with over 10 years of experience in the field.
Liver cancer can manifest through symptoms such as leg edema, abdominal distension, and bloody stools, which require immediate medical examination and treatment.
1. Leg edema in patients with liver cancer.
1.1. Recognizing the Symptoms
Liver cancer is a malignant condition related to the digestive system. The liver becomes damaged and is unable to perform its normal functions, leading to serious health complications.
In the early stages of liver cancer, patients may experience transient symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia, and leg edema. Unfortunately, many individuals mistake these signs for general physical weakness, stress, or overwork, which can lead to a delay in diagnosis. As the disease progresses to later stages, it becomes much more challenging to treat.
Leg edema in liver cancer patients occurs due to fluid accumulation, which is a result of decreased blood osmotic pressure. There are two common types of edema associated with liver cancer: soft edema and hard edema. Soft edema is often referred to simply as edema. When pressure is applied to the swollen area, it will indent and not immediately bounce back. Soft edema can cause a weight increase of more than 2 kg. In contrast, hard edema is often linked to thyroid issues. In this case, edema can start in the legs but may eventually spread throughout the body.
Other serious symptoms indicating advanced liver cancer may include hormonal changes, visible veins in various areas (such as the nose, chest, and ribs), gastrointestinal bleeding, internal and external hemorrhoids…
1.2. Recommendations for Liver Cancer Patients with Legs edema

Patients suffering from liver cancer with leg edema should consider the following recommendations:
- Drinking enough water.
- Engage in leg exercises to enhance blood circulation.
- Elevate your legs while sleeping.
- Limit salt intake in your diet.
- Avoid sitting or standing in one position for extended periods.
- Steer clear of stimulants and alcoholic beverages.
- Consult your doctor regarding any medications that may cause fluid retention.
- Attend regular health check-ups and adhere to your doctor's prescribed treatment plan.
- Maintain a balanced diet and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
2. Liver Cancer patients with abdominal distension
Distension and an enlarged abdomen are often signs of liver cancer in its advanced stages. When liver cancer progresses to this point, tumors may spread to large organs in the abdomen, leading to noticeable abdominal distension. The liver tumor occupies a significant area within the abdomen, causing fluid accumulation that results in abdominal enlargement and considerable pain.
For children, any signs of abdominal distension should be addressed promptly by a healthcare professional, as this could indicate liver cancer. Although rare, liver cancer accounts for about 1% of all cancer cases in children. Children under 11 years of age may develop multifocal liver cancer, while those under 3 are at risk for hepatoblastoma, a condition that can be treated surgically.
Other symptoms of late-stage liver cancer include rapid weight loss, fatigue, pain in the right side of the abdomen, digestive disorders, jaundice, yellow urine, metastatic tumors, and mild fever… In some instances, patients may experience fever due to abdominal bleeding caused by a ruptured liver tumor.
3. Advice for Treating Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is a serious disease that is challenging to treat. Especially in its final stages, the cancer cells have metastasized to other organs, leading to the chance of survival is significantly low. The goal of treatment primarily becomes the management of symptoms, improvement of quality of life, and prolongation of life. Here are some recommendations for patients undergoing liver cancer treatment:
- Diet: It is essential to provide adequate nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, especially during treatment with systemic chemotherapy. To combat anorexia and nausea, meals should be diverse, visually appealing, light, easy to swallow, and easy to digest.
- Living Environment: Minimize exposure to dusty environments and toxic chemicals. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating on schedule and ensuring sufficient sleep.
- Emotional Support: Cancer treatment can take a significant toll on mental health. Family support plays a crucial role in providing empathy, helping to alleviate psychological distress, and fostering optimism among patients.
In adults, when liver cancer has reached an advanced stage, only about 20% of patients survive for five years following treatment. Therefore, it is vital to seek medical attention as soon as any abnormal symptoms related to the liver arise. Regular screenings for liver cancer are also recommended to catch early signs of the disease.
4. Screening and Early Detection of Liver Cancer at Vinmec
Vinmec Hospital offers a comprehensive screening and early detection package for liver cancer, which includes assessing the risk of liver cancer and implementing timely treatment measures if necessary.
Vinmec is recognized as a leading institution for liver cancer screening and offers several advantages:
- Patients are assessed and advised by a team of highly qualified and experienced oncology specialists.
- We have established comprehensive partnerships with renowned hospitals in Singapore, Japan, the USA, and elsewhere.
- Our approach includes holistic treatment and care for patients, with multidisciplinary coordination tailored to each individual.
- We utilize a full range of specialized equipment to diagnose and stage liver cancer prior to treatment, including endoscopy, CT scans, PET-CT scans, MRI, histopathological diagnosis, and genetic and cell testing.
- We have full range of main cancer treatment methods: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, …

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