Home Tag Metastatic liver cancer

Articles in Metastatic liver cancer

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What does liver cancer screening include?
The most common step in screening for cancers is the clinical examination. This is the first step and also plays an important role in cancer screening. During the physical exam, the doctor will look for abnormal lymph nodes and tumors on the body and assess the risk of cancer based on age, sex, family history, health status. , job.
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Non-alcoholic fatty liver: Diagnosis and treatment
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by the accumulation of too much fat in nonalcoholic liver cells. Usually the liver contains some amount of fat, but when the amount of fat in the liver occupies more than 5 to 10 percent of the liver volume, fatty liver condition occurs.
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Liver cancer ultrasound images
Liver cancer is a dangerous disease and the leading cause of death for both men and women. The disease is often detected at a late stage, so the treatment is difficult and the prognosis is poor. Therefore, early detection of the disease is very important in the treatment, monitoring and prognosis of the disease.
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BCLC- Is vena cava (C22) dangerous?
I have a family member with BCLCC - Venous thromboembolism (C22). So the doctor asked me BCLCC- Is vena cava (C22) dangerous? At what stage is the danger level? Because I don't know much about this disease. Thank you doctor.
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Metastatic liver cancer: What you need to know
Ung thư gan di căn là tình trạng các tế bào đột biến ở gan đã phát triển và lan rộng đến những cơ quan khác trên cơ thể. Ở sang giai đoạn này, việc điều trị khá khó khăn và thời gian sống thêm của bệnh nhân tương đối ngắn.
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Leg edema and abdominal distension in liver cancer: What you need to know
Liver cancer with leg edema, abdominal distension, and blood in the stool are common symptoms that need to be examined and treated. Find out information about this phenomenon with Vinmec through the article below.
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Prognosis of liver cancer treatment by stage
Liver cancer is curable and how long patients live depends on when the disease is detected. If detected early, treatment effectiveness can be as high as 80%.
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The dangers of liver cancer
Liver cancer is a common disease in both sexes. The disease progresses quite silently in its early stages, so patients often miss the best opportunity for treatment. Therefore, the possibility of cure and survival time of liver cancer patients is not high.
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Portal vein thrombosis in liver cancer
In liver cancer, portal vein thrombosis is common. Many studies have shown that portal vein thrombosis is associated with the development of metastatic masses in liver cancer, and increases the risk of early recurrence after treatment.
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