Stages of tongue cancer development and signs that are easy to miss

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The rate of tongue cancer in Vietnam and other countries around the world is increasing day by day. It is one of the most common cancers in the mouth and surrounding areas. The signs in the early stages of the disease are often difficult to detect if not paying attention, when the symptoms are obvious, it is already the late stage.

1. Tongue Cancer

Tongue cancer is a malignant change in the epithelium that covers the tongue or the connective tissues of the tongue. It is a common disease in people aged 50 and over. However, according to recent statistics, the age group with this disease is getting younger and younger.

2. What causes tongue cancer?

Most patients with tongue cancer do not find a specific cause, however there are some risk factors such as:
Smoking: This is believed to be the leading factor in increasing the risk tongue cancer. In addition, tobacco is also a cause of many other cancers such as lung cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, ... Due to the use of alcohol, stimulants: This is also one of the main causes of cancer. increased risk of tongue cancer. According to statistics, up to 80% of the total cases of the disease are people who have a habit of regularly using alcohol. Exposure to radiation: Regular exposure to radiation increases the risk of cancer of parts of the body, including the tongue. Heredity: People who have a close relative with the disease have a higher risk of developing the disease than others. Due to viral infection: Among the types of HPV virus, there will be some types that are capable of causing tongue cancer. Unsuitable diet: People whose diet lacks fiber and essential vitamins such as vitamins A, E, D... will have a higher risk of disease than others.

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Có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau gây ra ung thư lưỡi

3. What are the stages of tongue cancer development and signs that are easily overlooked?

Tongue cancer develops through the following stages:
3.1 Early stage Symptoms:
The patient feels like there is a foreign body or fishbone stuck in the tongue, this feeling is very uncomfortable but passes quickly. Also on the tongue there is a bulge with a change in color, the mucosa is white, fibrous, or the lesion is a small sore. The lesion can even be palpable on a firm, solid, not as soft as usual tongue. . About 50% of patients have lymphadenopathy at the beginning. The most common lymph nodes are under the chin and under the jaw. In the early stages, almost all symptoms are easily missed, because signs are not obvious
3.2 Full stage Tongue cancer signs can be missed, due to their relative resemblance to an inflammatory condition. The mouth and other surrounding areas include:
The patient has a lot of pain when eating, prolonged pain makes it difficult to speak. Pain increases when speaking, chewing and especially when eating spicy, hot food, sometimes pain radiates to the ear. Increased salivation, saliva mixed with blood, bad breath Some cases cause tightness in the jaw, making the tongue fixed, making it difficult to speak and swallow Notice there are ulcers on the tongue, on the ulcers covered with a layer of pseudomembrane that bleeds easily, the ulcer develops quickly and spreads, making the tongue limited and immobile. In addition, at this stage, there are quite clear signs of malignancy:
Ulcerative lesions, formed from an irregular ulcer at the bottom with pus-blood, jagged margins, easy to bleed on impact touch. Sometimes there is no sign of ulceration, but a large nucleus is attached to the lower layer, protruding under the smooth, pale purple mucosa, the mucosa is pitted with small holes that when pressed will leak out. a white substance, the product of necrosis at the bottom. 3.3 Late Stage At this stage more obvious symptoms are rarely missed
Deep tongue ulcer spreads to the surface or lower face, causing pain, superinfection, foul odor, very easy bleeding, which can even cause severe bleeding that can be life-threatening. Tumor lesions are common on the free edge of the tongue, sometimes on the underside of the tongue, on the upper surface of the tongue or at the tip of the tongue. In addition, the end-stage symptoms warn of a terminal condition such as:
Losing weight without using any weight loss methods: This symptom appears when the disease has progressed to a difficult stage to treat. Fatigue: You feel tired all the time. This symptom occurs often and for no reason. Digestive disorders: Eating quickly is a common manifestation in tongue cancer. After eating, abdominal discomfort, bloating, nausea occurs. The abdomen becomes distended, the bowel movements change, and the stool contains mucus. Fever: This symptom lasts several months. Makes the patient uncomfortable and extremely tired.

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Những dấu hiệu sớm của bệnh ung thư lưỡi thường khá mờ nhạt và dễ bị bỏ qua

4. Is tongue cancer dangerous?

Tongue cancer is a dangerous disease, causing death and reducing quality of life, tongue cancer can cause:
As the tumor grows, the ulcer will make the patient painful to chew, said, accompanied by shortness of breath, exhaustion. If the tumor invades the large blood vessels in the pharynx, especially the lingual artery, it will cause massive bleeding, which can lead to death. Like other cancers, if detected and treated early, it can reduce mortality and improve the quality of life for patients
The early signs of tongue cancer are often quite faint and easy. ignored, the early detection of the disease has a great influence on the outcome of treatment. Therefore, if you detect early symptoms, suspect disease, you should see a doctor and get an early diagnosis. In addition, subjects with high risk of disease should also regularly screen for cancer, in order to detect the disease early.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Painless tongue ulcer is a sign of cancer? HPV virus in some oral diseases What are the early signs of tongue cancer?
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