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Articles in Jaundice

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What does elevated liver enzymes indicate?
The liver is the main organ in the body that processes toxins, so liver cells are always exposed to toxic factors. Elevated liver enzymes are a sign that the liver is damaged. People with high liver enzymes tend to be younger and younger, mainly due to alcohol. If not controlled and treated promptly, the disease can become more severe and even fatal.
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Skin darkening in Cirrhosis
Any liver disease can significantly impact a person's health. One of the skin manifestations associated with liver conditions, such as cirrhosis, is skin darkening. Let's explore this topic further.
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What happens to the body if there is an excess of vitamin K?
Side effects of excess vitamin K include enlarged liver, pale skin, increased sweating, shortness of breath, muscle stiffness, edema, irregular breathing, decreased movement or activity, swollen eyelids, or red skin. In infants and newborns, vitamin K plays an important role in preventing and controlling bleeding, especially bleeding in the brain and meninges. At the same time, it can combine with calcium to help strengthen bones. However, excess vitamin K can also be very dangerous as it can cause hemolysis, jaundice, and cerebral palsy.
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Symptoms in the Late Stages of Liver Cancer
Late-stage liver cancer is when most patients are diagnosed. At this stage, symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, enlarged liver, ascites, and jaundice become more apparent as the tumor grows. This condition typically progresses silently and is difficult to recognize in the early stages. Therefore, if there are any abnormal signs, patients should immediately get screened for liver cancer.
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Information about legs edema and abdominal distension in liver cancer.
Liver cancer can manifest through symptoms such as leg edema, abdominal distension, and bloody stools, which require immediate medical examination and treatment.
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