Is there a risk of HIV transmission from an open wound with blood on it?

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Hello doctor, 3 days ago I was hit by a pencil sharpener, causing my hand to bleed. After that, you took a knife and stabbed your hand, because it was smeared with blood on her wound. Ask the doctor, am I at risk of HIV infection from an open wound with blood? I would like to thank you.
Alex (1987)
Hello! Only three routes of HIV transmission have been identified: blood, unsafe sex, and mother-to-child transmission.
The best way, you should go to your local Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) for further advice or you can register for an examination at a hospital under Vinmec Health System to check and conduct tests. necessary, needs.
When you go to the medical facility, you will be assessed for the risk of HIV infection from the wound. If it is a superficial skin lesion that does not cause bleeding or has little bleeding, or the blood and body fluids of an HIV-infected person only come into contact with mucosal areas that are not damaged by ulcers, then the risk of infection is relative. short.
Particularly for cases where the skin is deeply and widely damaged, bleeding a lot, or the blood and body fluids of an HIV-infected person come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes with extensive inflammation and ulceration available, the risk of infection is high. HIV infection is relatively high, requiring prompt and timely treatment.
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