Home Tag HIV testing

Articles in HIV testing

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Is unprotected sex with a prostitute dangerous?
Two months ago, I had unprotected sex with a prostitute because I was very drunk at that time, and I am extremely anxious. Doctor, can you tell me if having unsafe sex with a prostitute is dangerous? Thanks for giving the information.
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Can a Regular Blood Test Detect HIV?
Regular blood tests cannot detect the presence of HIV in the body. Only by performing specialized tests such as looking for HIV antigens and antibodies at the appropriate time can HIV be accurately diagnosed.
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Is there a risk of HIV infection from an open wound that is contaminated with blood?
Dear doctor, 3 days ago, my friend accidentally scratched my hand with a pencil sharpener blade, causing it to bleed. Afterward, my friend stabbed themselves with the same blade, and some of their blood got onto my wound.
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What is HIV Rash? Symptoms of HIV Rash
HIV rash is one of the early warning signs that a person has been infected with HIV during the acute stage of the infection. Typically, an HIV rash lasts for about one to several weeks and, in most cases, does not cause itching.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics