Possible complications after hemorrhoid surgery

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The article is expertly consulted by MSc Duong Xuan Loc - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is considered the most optimal treatment option when the use of other treatments has not been effective. But this measure will also leave complications if not strictly followed the instructions of the doctor.

1. Bleeding

This is a condition in which there is blood in the surgical area, which may be more or less. This complication occurs due to many reasons, specifically:
Due to errors in surgery: the technique is not done thoroughly, so it is easy to miss hemorrhoids, at the openings of the hemorrhoid left will cause bleeding. Constipation is also easy to cause bleeding after surgery, because when we are constipated, we often have to push hard to push the stool out. At this time, the mucosa and anal skin have not been completely restored, so it is very vulnerable. Recurrence of hemorrhoids is a very common phenomenon even after hemorrhoidectomy, the characteristic symptom is bleeding when defecating.

2. Anal stenosis

Đi ngoài nhiều lần sau khi cắt trĩ
Hẹp hậu môn tạm thời là một trong những biến chứng rất dễ gặp phải sau khi mổ trĩ
Temporary stenosis
This is one of the very common complications caused by during treatment, the control muscles of the anus are paralyzed. This problem can completely improve over time so you should not be too worried. To help reduce the recovery time when having this symptom, experts recommend that the patient practice qigong or acupuncture
Permanent stenosis
This condition appears due to the patient's congenital anomaly or post-traumatic injury Surgery causes scarring and shrinkage. To avoid this situation, the surgeon needs to limit the size of the incision and avoid damaging the surrounding tissue. In addition, patients should also use hot water or traditional medicine to soak and steam the hemorrhoids to help blood circulation and muscle recovery easier.

3. Local infection

Because the surgical area is located next to the anus, it is easy to get bacteria after each bowel movement, causing infection, redness, and festering. To avoid infection after surgery, patients should pay attention to hygiene after defecation by washing the anus with water after defecation, both clean and painless instead of wiping with a towel or paper.

4. I lost control of defecation

Patients may experience fecal incontinence in the first few days after surgery because the anal dilation is too sudden and too strong. Partial loss of self-control can be long-lasting, due to rough impacts that partially rupture the sphincter. Surgical treatment of this lesion is very difficult and complicated

5. Measures to help limit complications after hemorrhoidectomy

Complications after hemorrhoidectomy surgery is something that no one wants, but patients can completely limit it by taking the following measures: affect surgical results. Clean the anus regularly to avoid infection. In addition to using water, the patient should use herbs that have the ability to kill bacteria quite well such as lettuce, green tea leaves... to make the sauna cleaner. Develop a suitable diet to support the recovery process after surgery. Patients should eat a lot of green vegetables, fresh fruits to provide enough fiber and necessary vitamins. This is also an effective way to limit constipation that we should not ignore. At the same time, in the diet, it is necessary to limit hot spicy foods, contain a lot of fat, use alcoholic beverages ... not beneficial for digestive activities. Take the medicine exactly as prescribed by your doctor to prevent possible complications. At the same time, it is recommended to have regular check-ups according to the scheduled appointment to help the doctor monitor and evaluate the results of the surgery. In the event of complications, the doctor will also take timely intervention measures. Don't worry too much about complications after hemorrhoidectomy because they are completely preventable. Before taking any measures, the patient should carefully consult the advice of the treating doctor, so that he can prepare himself best psychologically, so that the treatment can be more effective.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, Longo method applies Hemorrhoid surgery without worrying about recurrence. The Longo method helps to recover quickly after 1-2 days and with less damage, patients can rest assured to get rid of the hemorrhoid obsession.
Đi ngoài nhiều lần sau khi cắt trĩ
Phương pháp Longo giúp hồi phục nhanh sau 1-2 ngày và ít tổn thương
Compared with the traditional direct hemorrhoidectomy method (which causes patients a lot of pain because the intervention area is where many nerve endings are concentrated, direct hemorrhoidectomy loses the anal cushion, causing the patient to lose weight). with a lot of blood and can have many serious complications), the Longo method is being applied by Vinmec - a minimally invasive surgical method with outstanding advantages.
With Longo hemorrhoidectomy, the incision is made above the dentate line (where there are very few sensory receptors) and using a suture machine to cut the mucosa. Thereby, reducing the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, causing less pain and side effects, and preserving the anal cushion for the patient. The surgery time is only 20-30 minutes, there are few complications, the patient is discharged quickly. Currently, this method is commonly applied by Vinmec.
Master. Doctor Duong Xuan Loc has more than 12 years of experience as a Gastroenterologist and is currently a Gastroenterologist at the Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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