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Articles in Hemorrhoidectomy

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Anal bleeding after 1 month of hemorrhoid removal is worrisome?
My mother is 60 years old. A month ago, I took my mother to cut hemorrhoids. After the cut, more than a month later, the mother had a little bleeding. I want to ask, is anal bleeding after 1 month of hemorrhoidectomy? How to fix the above situation?
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After cutting hemorrhoids to have a bowel movement, the feeling of not being out of stool is anal narrowing?
Hi doctor! I am 32 years old this year, 10 months ago I had 3rd degree hemorrhoidectomy by longo method and after thread removal I had normal bowel movements but for almost 2 months now I have not had all the stools, I feel that there is still a small amount of stool, I can't come out, I push There is a feeling of tension and still not coming out, stools are soft, not hard, moldy but broken. I always drink water after waking up and after drinking water go to the toilet every day in the morning. So the doctor asked me after hemorrhoid removal to have a bowel movement, is it because the anus is narrow? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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Is it possible to only take hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs after hemorrhoidectomy without light and antibiotic infusion?
Hi doctor! I have hemorrhoids and had hemorrhoidectomy at the clinic. After surgery, the doctor prescribes oral medications such as hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, I need to come every day to shine lights and give antibiotics.
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What is a hemorrhoid examination?
Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease due to the nature of people's work as well as daily life, which is the main cause of the disease. In which, the most common components are office workers and the elderly.
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Longo surgery: The choice for patients with hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are excessive dilation of the hemorrhoidal plexus in the anal region, causing inflammation or bleeding. Hemorrhoids often occur in people with increased abdominal pressure such as having to stand a lot, constipation due to bad eating habits (eating less fiber, vegetables, less water); pregnant women; With age, the muscles in the anal area are more susceptible to degeneration and spasm, especially in people between the ages of 30 and 60 due to genetics.
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Possible complications after hemorrhoid surgery
Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is considered the most optimal treatment option when the use of other treatments has not been effective. But this measure will also leave complications if not strictly followed the doctor's instructions.
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Can anal stenosis complications after hemorrhoid surgery be cured?
Hello doctor. 1 year ago, I had a protruding hemorrhoid with a round ball the size of a ball outside the anus and a mixed hemorrhoid, when I went to the doctor, the doctor advised me to cut hemorrhoids with a longo and said that this method is painless, no pain. sequelae, but they are completely opposite. Recently, I had difficulty in defecation and had burning pain even though I used the method of dilating the anus with a dilator before.
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How long does it take to cure grade 3 hemorrhoids?
Doctor let me ask how long does it take for hemorrhoids to be treated with drugs? If so, what kind of medicine do you take? Thank you doctor.
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How to treat recurrent hemorrhoids?
I had hemorrhoids removed once 4 years ago. Now, I have hemorrhoids again. So the doctor told me how to treat recurrent hemorrhoids? Thank you doctor.
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Grade 3 hemorrhoids with anal warts should be treated like?
May I ask, how should I treat hemorrhoids with grade 3 hemorrhoids in the anal area? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Pain with anal bleeding after hemorrhoidectomy?
I cut 4th degree mixed hemorrhoids with electric knife. After a few days, I had a very painful bowel movement and there was blood in the stool. When not defecating, there is mucus and blood seeping into the tampon. So the doctor asked me if pain with anal bleeding after hemorrhoidectomy is okay? Is my incision infected? Thank you doctor.
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