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Articles in Longo Surgery

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How to treat grade 2 internal hemorrhoids?
Grade 2 internal hemorrhoids is a condition in which hemorrhoids fall out when going to the toilet but still have the ability to retract on their own. Can grade 2 internal hemorrhoids be cured? If so, how to treat them effectively and prevent recurrence.
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Do grade 3 internal hemorrhoids need surgery?
Grade 3 internal hemorrhoids represent a stage of the condition with many severe symptoms, often causing discomfort and significantly affecting the patient's quality of life. However, the treatment for grade 3 internal hemorrhoids requires careful consideration: whether surgery is necessary or if treatment with medication is sufficient. Follow the article below to understand the factors to consider when deciding on treatment.
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How can grade 4 hemorrhoids be treated to prevent complications?
Internal hemorrhoids are one of the problems that many people encounter. Not only does it seriously affect the quality of life, causing pain and suffering for the patient, but hemorrhoids also have many dangerous complications if not detected promptly. Hemorrhoids can lead to blood loss and severe infections if not treated promptly.
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Possible complications after hemorrhoid surgery
Hemorrhoidectomy is considered the most optimal treatment method when other treatments are not effective. However, this method will also cause complications if the doctor's instructions are not strictly followed.
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Frequent Bowel Movements with Abdominal Pain After Mixed Hemorrhoid Surgery
I recently underwent minor surgery for mixed hemorrhoid removal a week ago. For the past two days, I have had two bowel movements each day. Today, I had three, and the urge was very sudden and uncontrollable. Occasionally, I feel slight abdominal pain and the need to defecate. Doctor, is frequent bowel movements with abdominal pain after mixed hemorrhoid surgery something to worry about?
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