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Articles in Hemorrhoids

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What Causes Burning Sensation in the Anus During Diarrhea?
Experiencing diarrhea can leave the body feeling uncomfortable. When accompanied by a burning sensation or pain in the anus during bowel movements, the issue becomes even more challenging. Read on to understand the potential causes of burning diarrhea, home treatment options, and when to consult a doctor for further evaluation.
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Infective hemorrhoids: Causes and treatments methods
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower rectum. While they often subside on their own or are treatable with over-the-counter products, infected hemorrhoids in rare cases can lead to serious complications. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
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Possible complications after hemorrhoid surgery
Hemorrhoidectomy is considered the most optimal treatment method when other treatments are not effective. However, this method will also cause complications if the doctor's instructions are not strictly followed.
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Suggestions of Fruits for Hemorrhoid Patients to Eat
What to eat with hemorrhoids is a question many patients are concerned about when experiencing this condition. The disease not only affects daily life but also causes digestive and food absorption problems, while creating conditions for dangerous complications. Therefore, understanding and building a reasonable nutritional regime can help more effectively treat the disease.
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After hemorrhoid surgery, is there a possibility of recurrence?
Currently, hemorrhoids are a fairly common condition, including internal and external hemorrhoids. The disease causes many difficulties and hinders daily activities. Therefore, the need to completely cure hemorrhoids is the desire of many patients. The surgical method of hemorrhoidectomy is being applied by many people. Many individuals who have suffered from hemorrhoids have questioned whether "after having hemorrhoids removed, will they recur?". Below is a detailed answer to this issue.
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How long after hemorrhoidectomy can you resume sexual activity?
Hemorrhoids are a common condition that causes swelling, pain, and discomfort around the anus. Many people with hemorrhoids wonder whether it’s safe to have sex, whether anal sex is okay, or how long after hemorrhoid surgery it is safe to resume sexual activity. Here are some helpful answers to these common questions.
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Non-Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids
Non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is typically prioritized by doctors when the condition is in its early stages. This approach is becoming more relevant as hemorrhoids increasingly affect younger populations due to the stress-filled pace of modern life. Therefore, applying non-surgical hemorrhoid treatments can help patients alleviate the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids effectively.
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Hemorrhoids: A Comprehensive Guide - Etiology, Symptoms, and Treatment
With the answers from Dr. Ngo Viet Thang - Department of Digestive Surgery, Vinmec Times City Hospital below, you will clearly understand the causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids and especially help you realize that modern hemorrhoid treatment is not as "terrible" as imagined.
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Beware, Children Can Also Get Hemorrhoids
Many people mistakenly believe that children cannot develop hemorrhoids. In reality, many children suffer from hemorrhoids due to improper care and an unbalanced diet.
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Hemorrhoids in children and treatment
Hemorrhoids in children can be caused by prolonged sitting on hard surfaces, straining during bowel movements, an imbalanced diet, bowel inflammation, lack of physical activity, or genetic factors inherited from the parents.
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Can pregnant women with hemorrhoids give birth normally?
Hemorrhoids are caused by excessive dilation of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus in the tissue around the anus and rectum. Normally, these tissues help control the passage of stool. When these tissues become inflamed and swollen, they are called hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by excessive dilation of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus in the tissue around the anus and rectum. Normally, these tissues help control the passage of stool. When these tissues become inflamed and swollen, they are called hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by excessive dilation of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus in the tissue around the anus and rectum. Normally, these tissues help control the passage of stool. When these tissues become inflamed and swollen, they are called hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids in pregnant women account for a high rate and cause several discomforts, affecting pregnant women
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