Signs of liver problems

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Video content is professionally consulted by MSc Dao Duc Dung - Hepatobiliary - Digestive Specialist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital
According to MSc Dao Duc Dung - Hepatobiliary - Gastroenterology Specialist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital, there are signs of liver problems that we should not ignore such as:

1. Common signs of liver problems

The most common signs are yellowing of the skin and eyes. Because when the liver is sick, the poor filtering ability of the blood will cause the body to accumulate a large amount of Bilirubin - this is a yellow bile pigment - born to do the task of digesting food. This excess will manifest in yellow skin, yellow eyes, yellow fingernails, toenails...
People with liver disease may feel nausea, bloating, loss of appetite. Because the liver is not functioning properly, it will reduce the ability to produce bile for the body. Fat in foods without metabolic bile will accumulate more and more, making you always feel full and lose your appetite. However, this sign is often confused with gastrointestinal disease, so you should note in combination with other symptoms.
In addition, people with liver disease also have symptoms of itching. The main cause is the increased bilirubin mentioned above. A diseased liver is also shown in the color of urine. If you find your urine is dark yellow like water while the body is regularly rehydrated, beware. Most likely your liver is having problems causing the amount of bilirubin in the blood to rise, which is excreted in the urine.
In addition to the color of your urine, a change in the color of your stools also indicates a problem in your liver. Usually the color of stool is determined by bile pigments. If your stool is discolored, it is still compared to stork poop, it is possible that the bile ducts are blocked or the liver is not secreting bile. Because bile is blocked, the bile will stay in the blood, excreted in the urine, not entering the intestines, so the stools are pale.
The phenomenon of bleeding on the skin, manifested in patches, bruises often appear on impact, in thin skin areas such as shins, forearms, pressure places. Or gastrointestinal bleeding causes stomach bleeding, expressed as vomiting blood, black stools. Or you will see bleeding gums with unexplained purple patches. But when this symptom is present, it is end-stage liver failure, which is very severe.
Signs of liver problems in short are: Yellow eyes, yellow skin, dark urine, discolored stools, unexplained bleeding.

2. 4 specific guidelines for liver care

To be able to take care of the liver, you should note the following:
Eat enough, do not be excessively abstinent. Do not arbitrarily use drugs or functional foods because it can overload the liver and cause damage to the liver. liver failure. When suspecting a liver problem, do not arbitrarily treat with any medicine, even traditional medicine, but must go to the doctor to accurately determine the disease and treat according to the cause. Periodic health examination, because the liver has a good compensatory capacity, many cases of disease but no symptoms. This abnormality can only be assessed through blood tests and imaging methods.

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