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Articles in Yellow eyes

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Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Currently, there is no specific treatment for choledochal cysts. The main treatment method is laparoscopic surgery to remove the segment of the common bile duct containing the cyst, then re-establish biliary circulation by suturing the hepatic duct with the small intestine and duodenum. With this surgical method, after surgery, bile still circulates into the intestine to play the role of food digestion.
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How to treat hepatitis, jaundice?
I have hepatitis, yellow face, especially eyes. I feel sluggish, always tired, or have headaches, stomachaches, insomnia. So the doctor asked me how to treat hepatitis and jaundice?
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Nausea and loss of appetite are signs of what disease?
I had chest tightness, so I went to a general doctor and did a gastroscopy and found gallstones. The doctor said that the stone is small, so it is necessary to see a doctor for a medicine to dissolve the stone. However, recently I have nausea, loss of appetite and yellow eyes, yellow urine, more yellow facial skin. The doctor told me, what are the signs of nausea and loss of appetite?
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Warning signs of liver problems
The liver is an organ with many important functions for the body such as synthesis, metabolism, excretion and detoxification. When the liver has problems, it will affect many activities of the body and we can recognize it early through some of the following signs.
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Is right upper quadrant pain a sign of gallbladder problem?
Right lower quadrant pain is a common pain that is easily overlooked. One of the organs adjacent to the right hypochondrium that is injured and signaled by pain is the gallbladder. Depending on the problem of the gallbladder, the pain will be characterized by varying intensity and accompanying symptoms.
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What are the stages of cirrhosis of the liver? How to detect cirrhosis early?
Cirrhosis is a condition in which liver cells are damaged continuously for a long time, scar tissue will continuously replace damaged tissue leading to cirrhosis. When scar tissue appears more and more, it will block blood flow through the liver, severely impairing liver function.
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Darkening of the skin in cirrhosis
Having liver disease will greatly affect the health of each person. Skin signs such as darkening of the skin in cirrhosis may suggest that you are suffering from liver diseases, let's find out in the article below.
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Jaundice, yellow eyes with weight loss is liver disease?
Doctor let me ask if jaundice, yellow eyes with weight loss is liver disease? Thank you.
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Signs of liver problems
According to MSc Dao Duc Dung - Hepatobiliary - Gastroenterology Specialist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital, there are signs of liver problems that we should not ignore such as:
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Common bile duct cyst - GS. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Liem
U nang ống mật chủ là bệnh khá phổ biến ở châu Á, nhất là Việt Nam, Nhật Bản và Trung Quốc. Bệnh có nhiều biến chứng nguy hiểm nếu không được điều trị.
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Degrees of hemolytic anemia (Thalassaemia)
Bệnh thiếu máu huyết tán Thalassemia được phát hiện và nghiên cứu từ năm 1925, bệnh gây nhiều hệ lụy, hậu quả nghiêm trọng đến giống nòi, cho đời sống bệnh nhân và cộng đồng. Các mức độ của bệnh thiếu máu huyết tán
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics