Home Tag Rectal bleeding

Articles in Rectal bleeding

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Pentasa drug: Uses, indications and notes when using
Pentasa is used to treat patients with ulcerative colitis by reducing swelling in the large intestine. Pentasa is also used under the generic name Mesalamine. The drug is available in two forms, capsules and tablets.
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Uses of Mesalamine
Mesalamin is indicated for the treatment of ulcerative colitis such as diarrhea, rectal bleeding and abdominal pain,... So how to use Mesalamin? What precautions should be taken when using this drug? Let's find out the necessary information about the drug Mesalamin through the article below.
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Warning signs of diverticulitis
A diverticulum is a bulge of a round mass in the colon. It occurs when the inner lining of the colon weakens and forms one or more pouches. When these pouches become inflamed or infected, it is called diverticulitis.
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Complications of diverticulitis
In Tay Tay, half of people over 60% develop diverticulitis, but only 10%-25% of people continue to develop diverticulitis. Diverticulitis usually develops when the waste outlet in the sacs is blocked, the stagnation allows bacteria to accumulate and cause infection. Inflammation spreads to surrounding fatty tissue, sometimes perforation of the diverticulum leads to abscess formation or peritonitis. Rarely, a colonic fistula may form with the bladder, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina.
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Diagnosis of diverticulitis
Colonic diverticulitis is a fairly common disease, especially after the age of 40. When colonic diverticulitis becomes inflamed without being diagnosed and treated effectively, it can leave many serious complications, easily confused with colonic diverticulitis. colorectal cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to perform annual screening tests to detect diverticulitis in a timely manner.
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What should I eat for gastric bypass surgery?
Recovery from laparoscopic surgery is different for everyone. Patient responsiveness, degree, duration, surgeon, and facility all play an important role in recovery from laparoscopic surgery. At the same time, it is also necessary to comply with what to eat after endoscopic gastric bypass surgery, which not only helps the patient regain strength but also helps the digestive tract function to improve faster.
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Treatment of complicated colonic diverticulum
Colonic diverticulitis if not diagnosed and treated early can leave many serious complications, in which diverticulitis is the most common complication. Treatment of a complicated colonic diverticulum may require a combination of medical therapy and surgical removal of the colonic diverticulum.
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Distinguishing appendicitis from diverticulitis
Appendicitis and diverticulitis are two diseases with similar clinical manifestations. It is more difficult to accurately diagnose diverticulitis before surgery than for appendicitis, so most diagnoses are made during surgery.
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What is a colonic diverticulum?
Colonic diverticula are small bulges in the colon wall. These pouches can become inflamed and infected, creating diverticulitis of the colon and endangering the patient if not detected and treated promptly.
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Causes, treatment and prevention of constipation
Constipation is a common digestive problem with many different causes. Finding the cause of the disease will help the doctor come up with an effective treatment and prevention plan for constipation, avoiding affecting health as well as quality of life.
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What is rectal prolapse? Causes and signs to recognize
Sa trực tràng là một bệnh thường gặp phổ biến ở trẻ nhỏ 1-3 tuổi (sa niêm mạc) và người trên 50 tuổi (sa niêm mạc và sa toàn bộ). Tuy chỉ chiếm từ 0,2-1% các bệnh lý ngoại khoa và không quá nguy hiểm nhưng lại khiến nhiều người cảm thấy rất phiền toái vì ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến sinh hoạt hàng ngày.
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