Home Tag NBI endoscopy

Articles in NBI endoscopy

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Screening for colorectal cancer by narrowband endoscopic NBI
Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in the world after lung cancer. In the early stages, the disease has no special symptoms, making it easy for patients to be subjective, when the disease is detected, the condition has rapidly decreased. Therefore, when there are abnormal signs in the gastrointestinal tract such as abdominal pain, prolonged diarrhea, bloody stools, it is recommended to go to the doctor for cancer screening.
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Emergency gastroesophageal endoscopy with high gastrointestinal bleeding for diagnosis and treatment
Emergency gastroscopy is the best method of diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding. In general, endoscopy is the method of inserting an endoscope with a light, video recorder and medical devices into the intestinal lumen to take pictures, take samples, and remove tumors in the stomach or intestines. .
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Endoscopic resection of gastrointestinal polyps > 1 cm or multiple polyps
Gastrointestinal polyps are benign tumors ranging in size from 3-4 mm to 2-3 cm that arise on the surface of the stomach. Gastrointestinal polyps can be only 1-2, but there are cases where there are 5-10 or dozens of them. About 1% of the population has this disease. In these cases, endoscopic surgery for gastrointestinal polyps is required.
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Specialist examination of hepatobiliary tract at Vinmec Hai Phong with experts from Hanoi
From October 2019, Hai Phong people can visit and treat with advanced methods with specialists in gynecology and digestion - Liver, bile, and pancreas from central hospitals at General Hospital. Vinmec Hai Phong International.
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How to diagnose stomach cancer early?
Detecting cancer at an early stage is very important, because the treatment for early gastric cancer is debulking of the cancerous lesion (ESD), which does not require surgery to remove part or all of the stomach. with many risks of anesthesia and surgery, helping to improve the quality of life for patients.
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Can gastrointestinal polyps be treated endoscopically?
Hello doctor, after going to the doctor, the doctor diagnosed me with multiple polyps, there are about 100 of them and I am waiting for the biopsy results, I am very worried, if I do laparoscopic polypectomy, will they be able to remove them all? ?
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Early diagnosis of gastric cancer through conventional endoscopy
Stomach cancer can be completely cured if detected and treated at an early stage. Therefore, early detection of the disease is very important. In Japan, Korea and some Western countries, the application of modern endoscopes such as narrow-band magnifying endoscopy (NBI) for early gastric cancer diagnosis is widely deployed, thus contributing to the development of gastric cancer. improve early gastric cancer detection rates.
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ESD technique for early gastrointestinal cancer treatment
The term ESD, which stands for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection, is translated as endoscopic submucosal dissection technique. This is a new technique used to treat early cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic inflammation of the intestines due to a variety of physical causes. Irritable bowel syndrome (HCRKT) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine (colon). This syndrome often causes cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation. HCRKT is a chronic condition that requires long-term management.
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Chronic inflammatory bowel disease – Diagnosis and treatment (Part 1)
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that results from an excessive and prolonged immune response in the gastrointestinal mucosa to a certain antigen (food/bacteria). ...) on a particularly susceptible genetic basis, this is a disease with a period of remission and recurrence, which can "last a lifetime", the cause and "pathogenesis" are unknown but related. to immunity.
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Chronic inflammatory bowel disease – Diagnosis and treatment (Part 2)
Currently, the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease is still challenging, the diagnostic guidelines are updated regularly, requiring patient compliance, because this is a chronic, relapsing disease.
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