Specialist examination of hepatobiliary tract at Vinmec Hai Phong with experts from Hanoi

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From October 2019, Hai Phong people can visit and treat with advanced methods with specialists in gynecology and digestion - Liver, bile, and pancreas from central hospitals at General Hospital. Vinmec Hai Phong International.

1. Vinmec Hai Phong deploys a specialized clinic in the field of gastroenterology

This is the first time Vinmec Hai Phong Hospital has launched a model of specialized clinic in the field of digestion - Liver, bile, and pancreas with the participation of experts in the field of Health.
Clinic "converged" full of modern equipment and facilities; Professional experts and professional medical care will bring Hai Phong people many advantages in health care. Patients will not have to spend effort, travel costs, waiting time and receive health care in optimal conditions. With the comprehensive care model at Vinmec Hai Phong, relatives will not need to follow closely, stay by the patient's side all day and night, so the treatment process becomes convenient and gentle.
“Vietnam has a very high rate of liver cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, etc., compared to the world average. Early detection of diseases and screening for digestive and hepatobiliary diseases will help people reduce treatment costs and have the best treatment results. That is why Vinmec Hai Phong develops specialized clinics to meet the health care needs of the people of the port city,” shared Mr. Dang Van Huy, Director of Vinmec Hai Phong Hospital.

Khách hàng khám chuyên khoa Tiêu hóa tại Vinmec Hải Phòng
Khách hàng khám chuyên khoa Tiêu hóa tại Vinmec Hải Phòng

From October 7, 2019, Vinmec Hai Phong Hospital welcomes specialists in gastroenterology – liver, bile, and pancreas from 108 Military Central Hospital to visit periodically for diseases of the stomach, esophagus, and colon. rectum, liver, spleen, biliary tract, pancreas, anal fistula, rectal prolapse, gastrointestinal cancer screening ...
Dr. Dr. Le Van Thanh: Senior Doctor, Liver Transplant Specialist - Head of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department - 108 Central Military Hospital. Formerly a resident doctor specializing in gastrointestinal - hepatobiliary surgery in the Republic of Korea. France and participated in many training programs on digestive surgery, liver, bile, pancreas - Liver transplantation in Korea and the French Republic. Dr. Dr. Vu Van Quang: With more than 10 years of experience in the field of General Surgery, he used to work at the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery and is currently a surgeon in the Department of Liver - Gallbladder - Pancreas - 108 Central Military Hospital. The doctor has participated in foreign training classes in the field of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary surgery at Spandau Hospital Berlin - Germany (in 2013); Kyushu University Hospital - Japan (2015) and Pusan ​​National University Hospital - Korea (2016). MSc. BS. Le Trung Hieu: Doctor at the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, 108 Central Military Hospital. The doctor has attended foreign training classes specializing in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery and Organ Transplantation at National Hospital. in Pusan, Korea (2016); Brabois Hospital, Nancy, France (2017); Paul Brousse Hospital, Paris, French Republic; Beaujon Hospital, Paris, France (2019). The doctor used to work at the Department of Surgery - Military Medical Academy, Viet Duc Hospital. MSc. Dr. Ho Van Linh: Currently working as a Liver - Bile - Pancreatic Surgeon and a PhD student in Gastrointestinal Surgery at the Institute of Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy at 108 Military Central Hospital. With more than 10 years of experience, Dr. He has attended foreign training classes in the field of Gastrointestinal Hepatobiliary Surgery at Kyushu University Hospital - Japan and Yansan University Hospital Pusan ​​National University - Korea. MSc. BS. Le Van Loi: Currently working as a surgeon in the Department of Liver - Gallbladder - Pancreas and a PhD student in Gastroenterology at the Research Institute of Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy at Central Military Hospital 108. With more than 10 years of experience in the field. Surgical surgeon, doctor who used to work at the Department of Abdominal Surgery - 103 Military Hospital; Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery - Hospital 108. At the request of the patient, Senior Doctor Le Van Thanh - Head of Hepatobiliary Surgery Department - 108 Central Military Hospital will directly operate.
>> Schedule on Saturday, surgery on Sunday so that customers can easily arrange their personal time and have more time to recover after the intervention.

2. Equipment and examination procedures at Vinmec Hai Phong

The tests and scans at the clinic when necessary will be carried out on the synchronous modern equipment system of Japan and the US of Vinmec Hai Phong Hospital such as a 640-series CT scanner; MRI 3.0 Tesla, the most modern flexible endoscope (NBI) system with a narrow light frequency band has created a breakthrough in screening for early stage gastrointestinal cancer. early stage and very early stage. Endoscopic images easily detect small changes in color, morphology of cancerous and precancerous lesions that are difficult to detect with conventional endoscopy.

Hệ thống máy chụp cộng hưởng từ MRI 3.0 Tesla hiện đại tại Bệnh viện Vinmec Hải Phòng
Hệ thống máy chụp cộng hưởng từ MRI 3.0 Tesla hiện đại tại Bệnh viện Vinmec Hải Phòng

Thus, customers can get results in fast and accurate time. This has special significance for the test indicators in cancer screening, helping patients feel secure and confident.
Moreover, the cost of examination and treatment with specialists from central hospitals will be covered by health insurance according to the current regime, helping to optimize costs.

Lịch mổ phụ khoa và tiêu hóa - Gan, mật, tụy được thực hiện vào ngày Chủ nhật giúp khách hàng dễ dàng sắp xếp thời gian cá nhân và có thêm thời gian phục hồi sau can thiệp.
Lịch mổ phụ khoa và tiêu hóa - Gan, mật, tụy được thực hiện vào ngày Chủ nhật giúp khách hàng dễ dàng sắp xếp thời gian cá nhân và có thêm thời gian phục hồi sau can thiệp.
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