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Articles in MyVinmec

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Instructions for connecting Medical records and vaccination books on MyVimec application
MyVinmec is one of the first mobile patient support applications in Vietnam. The system integrated the connection feature with medical records, vaccination books of customers and family as soon as the first edition was released, allowing users to actively update, look up, and update examination information, disease treatment, and vaccination schedule.
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Frequently asked questions when using the MyVinmec application to perform telehealth services
With the success of the service in the past, Vinmec decided to deploy the service encapsulated in the Vinmec’s application. Below are answers to help customers better understand this service.
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Deploying telehealth services on MyVinmec application
MyVinmec is an application developed by Vinmec Healthcare System to help connect and improve healthcare for customers. With the telehealth service developed during the epidemic season, customers can now connect directly with a doctor right at the MyVinmec application.
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Instructions to pay for remote healthcare services on MyVinmec application
With the goal of becoming a smart companion with patients, MyVinmec has integrated telehealth services right in the application platform, from booking appointments, connecting with doctors, making payments,... all operations can be performed quickly on the system.
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Instructions to schedule a telehealth consultation and perform an examination
The telehealth program implemented by Vinmec has become a bridge connecting leading doctors and medical experts with thousands of patients across the country. Now, with streamlined procedures, customers can book appointments and make appointments all in one MyVinmec application.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics