2-3 year old baby refuses to eat rice, what to do?

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Feeling like you're going to explode trying to figure out why your child won't eat rice or won't eat? There are real reasons and ways you can help your baby refuse to eat rice.

1. What is anorexia in children?

Anorexia is an eating disorder. It is a form of self-starvation. Children and adolescents with this health problem have a distorted body image. They think they weigh too much. This causes them to severely limit the amount of food they eat. It also leads to other behaviors that keep them from gaining weight. Anorexia nervosa is sometimes called anorexia nervosa.
There are 2 types of anorexia:
Restrictive type: Children with this type are very limited in the amount of food they eat. This usually includes foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. Bulimic type (binging and purging): Children have uncontrolled overeating and then make them vomit. They may also take large amounts of laxatives or other medications to clear the bowels.

2. What causes children to refuse to eat rice?

Experts do not know what causes anorexia in children. It usually starts as a regular diet. But it slowly turns to extreme and unhealthy weight loss. Other things that may play a role when a child refuses to eat rice:
Social attitudes to appearance Family influences Genetics Chemical imbalances in the brain Developmental problems

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Children who refuse to eat are more likely to come from families with a history of:
Weight problems Illness Other mental health problems, such as depression or substance abuse Children with anorexia , refusing to eat rice often comes from very rigid and critical families. Parents can be intrusive and overprotective. Children with anorexia can be emotionally dependent and immature. They also have the ability to separate themselves from others. They may have other mental health problems, such as anxiety disorders.

3. What should a 2-3 year old child refuse to eat?

When children 2 - 3 years old refuse to eat rice but they eat porridge for too long, it will make them very anorexic, anorexic and lead to malnutrition and stunting. Moreover, the fact that children only eat foods that are minced regularly, their chewing muscles are underdeveloped, making them unable to adapt to the environment and diet at daycare, leading to weight loss and weakened body. .
According to nutrition experts, parents should let their children learn to eat rice when they are 2 to 3 years old because at that time the child has grown a lot of teeth. The way to do it is to gradually change food from porridge, flour to eating crushed rice, sticky rice and then gradually eating rice like an adult.
To make it easier for children to eat, parents need to prepare a variety of delicious cooked foods, soft food ingredients for children to gradually adapt. In addition, parents let their children practice chewing by buying them nutritious, crunchy and quickly melting cakes so that the chewing muscles are stimulated to develop.
Currently, many parents complain and reflect that their children do not eat rice and especially when asking parents, the main reason is still that parents do not know how to cook suitable food for their children. Many people are afraid to cook, or buy nutritious porridge available for children, some people cook for adults just like children. From there, it makes children not eat well, difficult to chew, difficult to swallow and lead to fear of rice.
Nutritionists guide parents to teach their children how to chew. Mother scooped up the food and ate it slowly and then described to the children how to follow their parents like how delicious and sweet this dish was and lured the children to follow. At the first time, if the child shows an attitude of not wanting to eat rice or eating a little, then he should not be too worried and impatient. I will do a little bit every day and if I am afraid that my child does not have enough energy, I will give her supplemental porridge and nutritious cake.

Khi trẻ 2-3 tuổi không chịu ăn cơm quá lâu sẽ dễ dẫn tới tình trạng bị sụt cân và suy dinh dưỡng
Khi trẻ 2-3 tuổi không chịu ăn cơm quá lâu sẽ dễ dẫn tới tình trạng bị sụt cân và suy dinh dưỡng

4. What happens when a child refuses to eat?

Anorexia and malnutrition can damage almost every organ system in the body. It can cause death. It can lead to health problems with:
Heart: Damage to the heart can result from malnutrition or repeated vomiting. Your child may have a slow, fast, or irregular heartbeat. The person may also have low blood pressure. Blood: About 1 in 3 children with anorexia, anorexia have a low red blood cell count (mild anemia). About half of children with this health problem have a low white blood cell count (leukopenia). Gastrointestinal tract: Normal bowel movements often slow down with very limited eating and severe weight loss. Gaining weight and taking certain medications can help with this. Kidneys: Dehydration (dehydration) due to loss of appetite can lead to concentrated urine. Your child may also urinate more. This can happen when the kidneys' ability to concentrate urine is impaired. Changes in the kidneys usually return to normal when your child returns to a normal weight. Endocrine system: In girls, amenorrhea is one of the recognizable symptoms of anorexia. It usually occurs before serious weight loss. It can continue after normal weight is restored. Lower growth hormone levels are also sometimes found in adolescents with anorexia. This may explain the developmental delay sometimes seen in anorexic children. Normal eating habits usually restore normal growth. Bones: Children with anorexia have a higher risk of fractures. When symptoms of anorexia begin before bone formation peaks (which usually occurs in mid to late adolescence), there is an increased risk of bone tissue loss or bone loss. Bone density is often low in girls with anorexia. They may not be getting enough calcium in their diet or not absorbing enough calcium. To help children from 2 to 3 years of age develop physically and have the best stature, parents should supplement children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, vitamins. Group B helps to fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
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