How to treat dark spots on the buttocks simple at home

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Dark acne on the buttocks is also one of the concerns of women about their skin. Here are some suggestions on how to get rid of dark butt acne simply and effectively that you can apply at home.

Although it does not directly affect the appearance like acne on the face, butt acne also causes certain effects, especially for women who want to wear bikinis in summer days. So how to treat acne on the buttocks simply but effectively?

1. Why do I have dark spots on my butt?

Dark acne on the buttocks can be caused by the following reasons:
The skin of the buttocks is covered, blocked and rubbed with clothes: You may not know, the skin on the buttocks is also relatively sensitive. When the body sweats, the skin in the buttocks area is often covered, clogged and rubbed with clothes, making acne easy to form but difficult to relieve. Hormonal changes: Dark acne on the buttocks is also caused by hormonal changes in the body, acne not only appears on the face but also on the back, buttocks, .. Diet, activities: Regularly eat spicy, hot, greasy foods, consuming stimulants, ... not only affect the skin of the face but also the skin in the buttocks area and lead to acne.

2. Simple and effective way to treat dark spots on the buttocks at home

Treatment of dark spots on the buttocks with aloe vera: Wash the aloe vera and remove the outer thorny shell, puree the inner gel and mix it with lemon juice, then apply this smooth mixture to the clean skin. and dry, wait about 15 minutes and then rinse with clean water. This is a simple and effective way to treat dark spots on the buttocks, you only need to do it about 3-4 times a week to reduce the dark scars, and also help antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and keep the skin surface clean. . Treat dark spots on the buttocks with coconut oil: Use coconut oil to massage the skin on the buttocks for about 15 minutes, then take a clean bath so that the oil does not stay on the skin. Treatment of dark spots on the buttocks with coconut oil should be done 3-4 times a week to both help eliminate bacteria and provide vitamin E, which helps to increase moisture so that the skin is smooth. Treat dark spots on the buttocks with lemon and baking soda: Dissolve baking soda with lemon juice into a paste to apply to the skin on the buttocks, gently and thoroughly massage in the dark spots for 10 minutes and then rinse. . Using lemon and baking soda powder 2-3 times a week helps reduce dark spots on the buttocks quickly, while cleaning and brightening the skin. Treatment of dark spots on the buttocks with turmeric: Wash the turmeric and then remove the peel, grind it, squeeze out the water to apply directly to the skin with dark spots, gently massage for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Turmeric is very benign, so you can use turmeric to treat dark spots on the buttocks every day, both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and helps stimulate the skin to regenerate new cells to effectively reduce dark spots caused by acne. Treat dark spots on the buttocks with rose water and potatoes: Wash the potatoes, peel them, then steam them, mash them and mix them with rose water to apply on the buttocks. Just apply a thin layer and wait for about 15 minutes, then wash it off. You can use potatoes and rose water to treat dark spots 2-3 times a week to both reduce dark spots quickly, while helping to moisturize, brighten and smooth the skin.

Cách làm hết mụn thâm ở mông với nha đam
Cách làm hết mụn thâm ở mông với nha đam

How to treat dark spots on the buttocks with honey and green tea powder: Dissolve green tea powder with lemon juice to form a paste, then dip the lemon peel into this mixture and apply on the buttocks, gently massage about 15 minutes, then rinse, pat dry with a soft towel. You can use green tea powder and honey from 2-3 times a week to both treat dark spots on the buttocks, exfoliate dead skin cells and stimulate the regeneration of new skin cells, making the skin bright and smooth. Treatment of dark spots on the buttocks with salt and fresh milk: Dissolve about 3-4 tablespoons of salt in half a glass of fresh milk, then use a medical cotton pad to soak in a glass of milk and apply evenly on the affected buttocks area, massage for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and dry with a soft cloth. The way to treat dark spots on the buttocks with salt and fresh milk is also an effective method of exfoliating dead skin cells to make the skin brighter, smoother and more even. Regain the pH balance of the skin with skin whitening shower gel: Wash thoroughly with skin whitening shower gels and give preference to those with balanced pH that will both cleanse and soften the skin, while reducing dark spots caused by acne. Acne on the buttocks caused. You can use shower gel to apply evenly on the buttocks and gently massage in the shower, persistently use, the dark spots on the buttocks will quickly disappear. Exfoliating dead skin cells: The skin on the buttocks also needs to be periodically exfoliated 1-2 times per week to clean and regenerate new skin cells, thereby helping to reduce dark spots caused by acne. Moisturizing the skin on the buttocks: Moisturizing is also one of the simple ways to treat dark spots on the buttocks, in addition to helping the skin not be rough and dry. You should choose an oil-free moisturizer to avoid increased oil production that causes acne on the buttocks.

3. How to limit dark spots on the buttocks?

Keeping the buttocks clean: The buttocks area is often forgotten when bathing, this creates conditions for sebum and bacteria to accumulate on the skin causing dark spots. Therefore, a clean bath and thorough cleaning of the buttocks will help limit the formation of dark spots on the buttocks. Do not use perfumed, dyed toilet paper: Fragrance or dyed or bleached toilet paper can irritate the sensitive skin in the buttocks area, which is a contributing factor to acne. Do not use soap to wash clothes that cause irritation: Using soaps and detergents with strong bleaching agents can cause skin irritation, itchiness on the skin and cause dark spots on the buttocks. You need to avoid using this soap on clothes, towels, and bed sheets.

Hạn chế mụn thâm ở mông bằng cách tránh dùng một số loại xà phòng
Hạn chế mụn thâm ở mông bằng cách tránh dùng một số loại xà phòng

Wear breathable, sweat-wicking clothing: Regularly wearing tight-fitting clothes, especially in the summer, can increase sweating and sebum accumulation on the skin, leading to dark spots on the buttocks. Therefore, you should wear loose clothing, made of sweat-wicking materials, including underwear so that the skin on the buttocks is open and clean. Drink enough water: Not only helps to keep the mind awake, the body healthy, water also helps moisturize the skin so that the skin is healthier before the agents that cause inflammation on the skin such as dirt, sebum. Vitamin supplements: You can choose to supplement your body with vitamins through foods or synthetic supplements to help keep your skin healthy and fight acne, including dark spots on your buttocks. The vitamins and minerals needed for the skin are vitamins A, B5, C, E, Selenium, ... Eat healthy, scientific: Consuming a lot of starch, sugar, fat can increase insulin levels, This leads to increased oil production on the skin, which contributes to acne. Therefore, increase vegetables and fruits, limit starchy foods, sugar, greasy foods, avoid the use of stimulants, not only help the body healthy but the skin is healthy, less acne. Avoid sitting for a long time, sitting a lot if not necessary: ​​Sitting for a long time and for a long time can make the skin on the buttocks often secret and increase sweating, contributing to dark spots on the buttocks. Therefore, when working, you should pay attention to get up and rest after 30 minutes or change your working position from sitting to standing, which not only helps the blood in the body to circulate better, but also the bones and joints are also flexible. more flexible and resilient. There are many simple and effective ways to treat acne on the buttocks that women can apply at home. Regardless of how you do it, always be persistent and especially pay attention to keeping the skin on the buttocks clean to limit the return of dark spots.

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