Is penis enlargement safe?

Penis size is the secret problem of men. Because of this problem, many men are shy and self-conscious in front of their partners. If you are in this dilemma, then this article will provide you with some information to help you improve the size of your penis and affirm the true bravery of men. 

1. Penis size and growth

When entering puberty, the first sign to notice is the process of increasing penis size and this time also begins the strong growth and production of large amounts of the hormone testosterone. Along with this development, other sexual components and the corpus cavernosum of men are also stimulated to develop strongly. It is this that will make teenagers who are just going through puberty can become easily irritated by small influences from around. In addition, other organs in the body also increase their work level, such as the heart, which makes the process of ejecting blood into the cavernous body more powerful, making it easier for the penis to get an erection. 

At the end of puberty, the penis size will become fixed and hardly change throughout the adult male. However, the size of the penis growth, apart from the effects of puberty, is also influenced by many other factors including genetics or race. For example, African-American men were identified as having the largest penis size, followed by Europeans, Americans and finally Asians. So, how long will the penis length of men and especially Vietnamese men be? The average penis size of Vietnamese men when in an erect state is about 11cm to 13cm in length and in normal state, this size is about 5c, to 10cm. The size of the penis in men is hardly affected by the physical condition of the man. However, if a young man has a penis size of about 2.5cm and is not larger than 5cm when he is an adult, he can be considered as having a small penis.

When men enter the aging stage, the decrease in the production of testosterone hormone and the menopause process occurs in men, leading to other problems related to sex as well as erectile dysfunction. positive . At this stage, the size of the penis will no longer be maintained as in the previous period. Moreover, along with the aging process of age will affect the operation of cardiovascular function and other functions of the body. Therefore, the problem of aging also causes quite a lot of troubles and affects the sex life of men. 

Penis length also depends on many different factors of men.
Penis length also depends on many different factors of men.

2. Reasons why men want to increase their penis size

The main reason why men want to increase their penis size is because doing this can help them a lot of benefits in life, typically including: 

  • When the penis size is large they will have more pleasure when in love.
  • With large penis size they will become confident and full of bravery in front of their partner.
  • Large penis size helps them to prolong sex time as well as enhance physiology men's health.
  • Large penis size increases the ability to hug and better friction with the vagina can bring good quality to the sexual process as well as help both to orgasm more easily.
  • Large penis size can also help stimulate sexual desire from a partner. 

However, the size of the penis is not necessarily an important factor in sex as well as it can affect the fertility process. When it comes to sex with a sexual partner, penis size is not so important a factor. And whether the relationship process is successful or not will depend on the ability to get an erection, the time of intercourse, the technique of love as well as the man's confidence and affection for each other. Penis size is also not a factor affecting fertility but will depend mainly on the quality and quantity of sperm. But if you can improve the size of the penis then you should still do it, and should consult your doctor before doing this. 

3. Safe ways to increase penis size

Although the size of the penis does not affect the sex life as well as the maintenance of the breed. But having a large enough penis will make a man more confident and proud. Therefore, they are always looking for ways to improve the size of the penis. And to achieve this, you can do some simple penis enlargement exercises that can be done at home safely and effectively.

3.1. Increase the size of the penis with exercises

Pull the penis with force to help increase the size of the penis

The impact of penile traction method helps to stretch the ligaments that hang the penis while increasing the length of the penis. You can do it by holding the foreskin of the penis with your hand, then slowly pull the penis forward and hold that position for 10 seconds. Then, continue to pull to the left when you feel the force on the left is tight enough, then you hold that position for 10 seconds. You repeat the steps twice a day and each time should be about 5 minutes.

Ultimate stretch exercise

This exercise is simple with two steps: first, use your hand to gently hold the glans of the penis, then use enough force to pull the penis outward and hold for about 20 to 30 seconds. . During the performance, you need to remember not to hold the penis too tightly because that will make the blood blocked and not circulate and these exercises should be done every other day to limit fatigue on the penis.

Backward Puller exercise

This exercise is rated as medium difficulty when performing exercises with high efficiency. First, to perform the exercise, you will do a few manipulations to help stimulate the penis to get an erection. Then remove the foreskin gently and slowly. Next, place 4 fingers on the glans and slowly stretch the penis up. Place your thumb at the base of the penis and pull the penis back towards your body, do this for 15 to 25 seconds and do it continuously for 10 minutes.

Backward Puller Exercises to Increase Penis Size.
Backward Puller Exercises to Increase Penis Size.

3.2. Applying a diet to increase the size of the penis

Along with exercises to increase the size of the penis, a reasonable diet also helps men to stimulate the increase in the size of the penis. want. And to follow the diet well, you need to choose foods that can help increase the size of the penis including:


This fruit is quite rich in potassium content and its nutritional composition is quite rich, which is very good for the growth of the penis. You can use 1 to 2 bananas per day if you want to change the size of your penis. Besides, bananas also help the body maintain an average sodium concentration to help prevent cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia... 


Fish is classified as a food rich in protein, especially the amino acid arginine, which is both good for health and well-supported for blood circulation, helping blood quickly travel throughout the body. This process also improves the stimulus which increases the small sentence size.


Oysters are considered by many to be a panacea for the quality of men's relationships. The nutritional composition of oysters is rich in vitamin B12 and zinc. These compounds help improve erections as well as sexual functions in men. In addition, oysters also contain a lot of amino acid L-arginine, which enhances blood circulation to the penis and also helps to increase the size of the penis.


In raspberries, there are many compounds that have good antioxidant capacity and play a role in improving male physiological function. When men regularly eat raspberries, it can help improve blood circulation to help blood be pumped to the penis more regularly and increase the size of the penis.

In addition to the main foods above, you can also add skim yogurt, salmon, onions, spinach ... will help improve the stimulation of the penis. 

3.3. Perform penile massage regularly

Performing penile massage regularly helps stimulate the expansion of the positive tissues in the body of the penis. And doing this movement more often helps the erectile tissue to grow bigger and longer. 

3.4. Apply a warm compress to the penis

You can use a warm, moist towel to apply to the base of the penis for 2 to 3 minutes. Warm towels will help the blood vessels of the penis dilate and increase blood circulation to the penis, helping to increase the size of the penis. 

3.5. Warm bath helps to improve penis size

The temperature of cold water can cause the penis to shrink and if this happens regularly can affect the size of the penis. To improve the size of the penis, men should take a bath with warm water so as not to affect the maintenance of the penis size. 

3.6 Lose Weight

When the weight is too high, the penis will be covered with fat on the pubic bone. Therefore, if this man loses weight, it will reduce the thickness of this fat layer and make the penis lengthen about 1 to 1.5 cm. 

3.7. Quit smoking

Smoking is not only the main cause of lung cancer, tuberculosis, affecting men's health. Besides, smoking also tends to clog the arteries leading to slow blood flow to other organs in the body including the penis. 

Above are simple ways to increase penis size that you can apply yourself at home to achieve high efficiency. 

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