Home Tag Esophageal motility disorder

Articles in Esophageal motility disorder

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Esophageal motility disorders and what you need to know
Esophageal motility disorder is a relatively complex and newly discovered pathological lesion. Currently, the diagnosis and treatment of the disease is facing many difficulties.
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Diagnosis of esophageal motility disorders
The most common symptoms of esophageal motility disorder (EMD) include difficulty swallowing and chest pain. However, to evaluate the criteria, it is necessary to perform upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, barium esophagography and esophageal manometry.
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Update treatment of common esophageal motility disorders
Esophageal motility disorders (EMD) represent a diverse group of conditions that alter the normal movement and movement of food from the esophagus into the stomach. The most common symptoms include difficulty swallowing and chest pain. Difficult to distinguish from other common diseases such as coronary artery disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease and malignancy.
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Update in the diagnosis of esophageal motility disorders
In this review, the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and presentation of most common esophageal motility disorders (EMD) will be covered. Achalasia is the best described disorder in the group and its features will be highlighted. As diagnostic and therapeutic options for esophageal motility disorders are increasing, a multimodal approach is required and referral to gastroenterology or surgery is recommended for further management of these disorders.
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Treatment of esophageal motility disorders
Therapy for esophageal motility disorders initially focuses on the condition of the pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter. If the pressure is elevated, medical or surgical treatment is needed to reduce the pressure. In spastic motor disorders (jackhammer esophagus, type III achalasia, esophageal spasm), treatment may also focus on relaxing the esophageal muscle.
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Esophageal motility disorders and dysphagia
Esophageal motility disorders are complex and include many contributing factors. This is considered a gastrointestinal lesion in 30% of the population. Patients suffer a lot of difficulties and affect their quality of life.
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Features of the esophageal microbiota
It has been noted that the diseased esophagus associated with healthy controls is home to a bacterial population unusually rich in gram-negative species. Insights into the esophageal microbiome could help guide further analysis of new therapeutic tools.
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Esophageal motility disorders and noncardiac chest pain
Thực quản có chức năng đưa thức ăn từ miệng đến dạ dày, nơi bắt đầu quá trình tiêu hóa. Sự vận chuyển hiệu quả của thực quản đòi hỏi mô hình nhu động phối hợp, tuần tự nhằm đẩy thức ăn từ bên trên xuống, loại bỏ axit và dịch mật trào ngược từ bên dưới. Sự gián đoạn của quá trình chuyển động cơ gắn kết cao này gọi là rối loạn nhu động thực quản.
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