Home Tag Electrocardiogram test

Articles in Electrocardiogram test

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Troponin test in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction
Troponin is a protein released when the heart muscle is damaged. Currently, high sensitive troponin tests are recommended to be used, replacing the previous Troponin test. Due to its high sensitivity, the ultra-sensitive Troponin test helps to detect the early rise of Troponin, helping to diagnose early and avoid missing the disease.
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What is the ST segment in an electrocardiogram?
The normal ST segment lies on the isoelectric line, with very little difference up or down the isoelectric line. The image of ST-segment elevation or ST-segment depression on electrocardiogram results is valuable in the diagnosis of some cardiovascular diseases.
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Mechanism of action of electrocardiogram
Electrocardiogram is a very common test in most medical facilities today. This is a fairly simple subclinical, causing no pain to the patient, but the diagnostic value is very high.
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Updated diagnostic criteria for myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction is one of the leading cardiovascular diseases causing hospitalization and death today. The current updated diagnostic criteria for myocardial infarction help in early diagnosis of myocardial infarction, enabling patients to receive prompt and active treatment.
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Shape and mechanism of wave formation on electrocardiogram
An electrocardiogram is a graph that records the activity of the heart's electrocardiogram, which plays an important role in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, monitoring treatment effectiveness, patient's response to drug treatment and monitoring side effects. of drugs...
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What does the electrocardiogram show?
Electrocardiogram is a method to monitor the electrical activity of the heart very popular today, almost all medical facilities use electrocardiogram as a main diagnostic criterion for cardiovascular diseases. So what is an electrocardiogram test for, what disease will be detected by reading the electrocardiogram?
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Cardiac ischemia electrocardiogram
Điện tâm đồ là một kỹ thuật y khoa rất có giá trị, dùng để chẩn đoán và định khu vị trí tắc nghẽn động mạch vành của bệnh lý thiếu máu cơ tim. Mặt khác, điện tâm đồ cũng đóng vai trò quan trọng trong quá trình theo dõi và đánh giá tiến triển của việc tái thông mạch vành trong nhồi máu cơ tim có ST chênh lên.
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Use of anticoagulants in patients with cardiovascular disease
Thuốc kháng đông là những thuốc được sử dụng nhằm ngăn ngừa sự hình thành huyết khối fibrin trong lòng mạch. Các thuốc kháng đông có vai trò không thể thiếu trong điều trị một số bệnh tim mạch.
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