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Articles in Diverticulum

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Diagnosis of diverticulitis
Colonic diverticulitis is a fairly common disease, especially after the age of 40. When colonic diverticulitis becomes inflamed without being diagnosed and treated effectively, it can leave many serious complications, easily confused with colonic diverticulitis. colorectal cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to perform annual screening tests to detect diverticulitis in a timely manner.
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Symptoms and treatment of diverticulitis
Diverticulitis of the colon is a common disease with unclear symptoms. The disease can lead to many unpredictable complications such as peritonitis, hemorrhage, perforated diverticulum, leak of nearby organs,... Therefore, patients need to detect and treat the disease early and effectively to avoid dangerous complications occur.
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Duodenal diverticulum can cause biliary obstruction
Cholestasis is a medical condition caused by many causes. In particular, duodenal diverticulum is a cause that is rarely discovered and investigated because it has few typical symptoms, so it is often ignored. Therefore, we need to know the problems of duodenal diverticulum to prevent dangerous complications unfortunately.
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Treatment of complicated colonic diverticulum
Colonic diverticulitis if not diagnosed and treated early can leave many serious complications, in which diverticulitis is the most common complication. Treatment of a complicated colonic diverticulum may require a combination of medical therapy and surgical removal of the colonic diverticulum.
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What is a colonic diverticulum?
Colonic diverticula are small bulges in the colon wall. These pouches can become inflamed and infected, creating diverticulitis of the colon and endangering the patient if not detected and treated promptly.
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Learn about diverticulitis
Diverticulitis, specifically colonic diverticulitis, is a digestive disease characterized by inflammation of abnormal pouches - diverticula - that can develop in the wall of the large intestine. Symptoms often include sudden onset of lower abdominal pain but onset can also occur within a few days.
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Diagnosis and treatment of bladder diverticulum
Đa số túi thừa bàng quang thường được phát hiện ra ngẫu nhiên qua những lần khám tổng quát, đây là một tổn thương lành tính của thành bàng quang. Việc chẩn đoán và điều trị túi thừa bàng quang kịp thời sẽ hạn chế tối đa các biến chứng đáng tiếc của bệnh.
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The role of imaging in the evaluation of diverticulitis
Túi thừa là một túi nhỏ hình thành trong thành đại tràng. Viêm túi thừa xảy ra khi túi đó bị nhiễm trùng và/hoặc bị viêm. Nếu không được điều trị, bệnh có thể trở nên nguy hiểm hơn và dẫn đến áp xe hoặc tắc ruột. Để chẩn đoán viêm túi thừa, bác sĩ thường chỉ định chụp CT ổ bụng và vùng chậu.
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