Is Yellow Semen Abnormal?

While yellow semen is not always a cause for concern, in some cases a change in semen color can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

1. Organs involved in semen production

Glands in the male reproductive system produce semen. Semen is a thick fluid that protects sperm. Men usually release semen when they reach orgasm during sex.
Semen is usually white, milky white, or pale gray, but sometimes it is a different color. Usually, changes in semen color are not a cause for concern. However, some health problems can cause semen to turn yellow.
Semen is a fluid that is a combination of secretions from the male reproductive glands as well as sperm. Changes and disruptions to these organs can cause color changes. Each part of the male reproductive system and glands plays a role in ejaculation.
The parts responsible for producing semen include:

  • Epididymis and testicles: The testicles are where sperm are produced. The epididymis is the tube that carries sperm from the testicles to the vas deferens.
  • Seminal vesicles: These produce a significant portion of the volume of semen. The glands in the seminal vesicles secrete a sugar called fructose, which provides nutrients for the sperm.
  • Prostate: The prostate secretes a chemical called prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which causes a gel-like reaction in the semen, allowing the sperm to swim and reach the egg more easily.
  • Urethro-urethral and bulbourethral glands: These glands produce a fluid that helps semen move easily through the reproductive tract.

Yellow semen can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
Yellow semen can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

2. Why is semen yellow?

Semen is usually grayish-white, but some men may secrete yellow semen. However, yellow semen can be due to several worrying causes including:

  • Age: As you age, the color of semen changes naturally, it can be pale yellow.
    There is urine in the semen: When ejaculating, semen will have to pass through the urethra, which is also where urine passes through. There may be some residual yellow urine here mixed with the semen, causing the semen to appear yellow.
    Infrequent ejaculation: If you are abstaining from ejaculation for a long time, this can also be the cause of yellow semen. Old or unused semen can turn yellow.
  • Jaundice: People with jaundice who have a large amount of bilirubin in their blood can also have yellow semen.
  • Infection: Bacteria in the prostate, often caused by a urinary tract infection, can cause prostatitis, which can turn semen yellow.
  • Abnormally high white blood cells: pyospermia occurs when there are too many white blood cells in the semen. These white blood cells can damage the semen, causing it to turn yellow.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, and other sexually transmitted diseases can cause semen to turn yellow-green.
  • Certain foods: Colorants or sulfur found in certain foods and spices can temporarily turn semen yellow. Turmeric, onions, garlic, and asparagus are common causes of this condition. Once the food is digested, your semen will return to its normal gray-white color, so you do not need to worry.
  • Cigarette smoke: Nicotine in cigarette smoke can cause your nails and skin to turn yellow-brown. Smoking also has a similar effect on the color of semen.
  • Due to certain medications or supplements: When you take certain antibiotics and vitamins (such as vitamin B), your semen may have an orange-yellow color.

3. When should you see doctor for yellow semen

Many factors and causes can change the color of semen from its normal gray-white color to yellow. This color change can be temporary or permanent.
Usually, yellow semen is nothing to worry about. But sometimes, yellow semen is a sign that you have a health problem. If you do nott know why the color of your semen has changed, see a specialist, especially if you have the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain;
  • Your urine or semen has a foul odor;
  • Frequent or painful urination;
  • Lower back pain;
  • Pain when ejaculating;
  • Signs of infection such as fever and chills;
  • Yellow skin or eyes.
Yellow semen accompanied by other abnormal signs requires medical examination
Yellow semen accompanied by other abnormal signs requires medical examination

4. How to treat yellow semen?

Treatment for yellow semen will depend on the underlying cause. If you have an infection that causes yellow semen, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antiviral medications. 
If you have an infection, you should limit sexual intercourse or use condoms to prevent transmitting the infection to your partner until your doctor finds the cause and treats it.
In addition, you should cut down on foods high in sulfur in your daily diet, quit smoking, and drink plenty of water. 
It is not always normal for semen to have a strange color, texture, or odor. These properties can change with a man's diet, activity level, or length of abstinence. A change in semen color may initially be alarming, but it is likely to be temporary. After a period of monitoring, if you have other unusual symptoms, see your doctor for examination.

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