Is scrotal eczema dangerous?

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The article is expertly consulted by Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Urologist - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital. The doctor has more than 12 years of experience in the field of urology and specialized urology.
Scrotal eczema is a common inflammatory skin condition, with its own characteristics, but has not been recognized as a separate disease. In scrotal eczema, the skin of the scrotum often becomes thick, red, and scaly, causing irritation and allergies. Treatment of symptoms is not difficult, but the disease often recurs, greatly affecting the quality of life.

1. What is scrotal eczema?

The skin structure in the scrotum and penis is looser than in other areas, where there are many blood vessels, so it is easy to be edematous, red and swollen when there is an inflammatory and allergic reaction. Besides, this area is often wet, easy to create conditions for the development of contact dermatitis.
Eczema is a common dermatological disease and can occur at any age. This is considered a non-life-threatening disease, but it brings many inconveniences and is difficult to treat definitively.
Eczema is also a form of eczema that occurs in the male genitals but has not been recognized as a separate disease. Because many people are confusing it with some other genital diseases that often occur in men such as gonorrhea, syphilis.
Scrotal eczema is a skin condition that is inflamed, blistered, itchy and may appear sores, red, scaly, peeling in the scrotum of the male genitals. When the disease is severe, it can spread all over the genitals, buttocks and cause pain for the patient.
This is a common disease in tropical climates. In Vietnam, when the weather turns to winter, eczema flares up the most. As a disease that occurs in a sensitive part, scrotal eczema brings a lot of discomfort and guilt to men. The burning pain, pain in the intimate area is always the biggest obsession for them.

2. Symptoms of scrotal eczema

Scrotal eczema is the result of many influences, both from the patient side and from the etiological side. Symptoms depend on causative factors. Persistent inflammation of the scrotal skin releases many chemical mediators and proteolytic agents that cause itching. Patients scratch, mechanical impact on the scrotal skin makes the inflammatory process worse, thicker skin, more itchy. The pathological spiral continues to make the scrotum red, thick like leather. Itching in scrotal eczema often has a burning sensation. The protective barrier of the scrotum is reduced, increasing the permeability of the skin, causing inflammatory and allergic agents to easily penetrate.

3. Causes of disease

Dị ứng bao cao su là một trong nhiều nguyên nhân gây chàm bìu
Dị ứng bao cao su là một trong nhiều nguyên nhân gây chàm bìu
The causes of scrotal eczema are complex and difficult to pinpoint. According to dermatologists, scrotal eczema can be related to a number of factors:
Due to a number of allergens, skin irritation including dyes in clothing, soap detergents, laundry detergent, condom allergy. Due to the polluted surrounding environment, some occupations often have to be exposed to the environment that is not good for the skin such as gasoline, paint, environmental sanitation workers, .. Due to some diseases such as: Psoriasis , diabetes, kidney failure, skin infections, HIV. Due to deficiency of some important micronutrients in the body, especially zinc deficiency. A family history of atopic dermatitis, eczema is also the cause of scrotal eczema in later generations.

4. Is scrotal eczema dangerous?

In fact, there are many different types of eczema. Each type is classified and rated according to the severity is also completely different. Usually, eczema is considered a chronic condition, which means it takes a long time to treat and is difficult to cure. On the contrary, treating eczema symptoms that can alleviate and prevent eczema from recurring is believed to be the most effective treatment available today.
It should be clarified that scrotal eczema is not contagious. It cannot be transmitted from person to person, but only gets worse or milder in each person. However, in the case of bacterial scrotal eczema, there is still a risk of infection due to the spread of bacteria on the skin.
Patients need to see a doctor when:
Symptoms of scrotal eczema affect sleep and daily activities of the body. More and more signs of scrotal eczema appear. The time between flare-ups of itching and redness is getting shorter and shorter. Scrotal eczema can spread to other areas of the body. High fever or symptoms of infection. Better yet, when feeling any doubts about your health or feeling that something is wrong with your skin, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist right away. Eczema puts patients at higher risk of staph infections, potentially many other health hazards.

5. Consequences of scrotal eczema without early treatment

Biến chứng dễ thấy nhất của chàm bìu là viêm tinh hoàn
Biến chứng dễ thấy nhất của chàm bìu là viêm tinh hoàn
Scrotal eczema will definitely affect the testicles because the skin in the scrotum is very thin. The most visible complication is orchitis. Orchitis impairs sperm quality or can lead to azoospermia in men.
In the case of scrotal eczema caused by fungal and bacterial infections that are not treated immediately and lead to localized eczema, the eczema will become chronic and persistent.
Although this disease does not manifest outwardly, it greatly affects the psychology of the patient.

6. Prevent scrotal eczema from starting and progressing in a bad way

Vệ sinh tay chân và thân thể thường xuyên
Vệ sinh tay chân và thân thể thường xuyên
Patients should pay attention to the following care and habit changes to prevent scrotal eczema from recurring.
Should choose loose, airy clothes. It is best to choose fabrics made from cotton. In particular, the underwear is comfortable and breathable. And should dry clothes in the sun. Avoid scratching the itch, as this can increase the risk of infection. Trim nails and keep them clean and tidy. Avoid contact with allergens. If the patient is allergic to the weather, exposure to temperature changes should be limited. A humidifier or air conditioner can be used to adjust, helping to balance the outdoor temperature with the workplace and bedroom. Avoid exercising, sweating a lot or letting your skin dry out in winter. Because this is the main cause of serious development of scrotal eczema. Regularly use a moisturizer or natural emollient to balance moisture and prevent dryness. Do not use shower gels, detergents with strong detergents and fragrances. Wash hands and feet regularly. Keep your mind happy, comfortable, avoid stress and tension. You can join meditation or yoga classes to help balance your mind and help you stay in shape and skin. Have healthy sex in moderation. Patients should also be concerned about triggers that make scrotal eczema worse such as spermicides, condoms or some other factors including perfumes, cosmetics, contaminated food or water, ... When the male genitals appear abnormal symptoms, you should go to a reputable medical facility for timely examination and treatment. Vinmec International General Hospital is a high-quality medical facility in Vietnam. Modern, state-of-the-art medical equipment imported from the US, Japan, the Netherlands... helps diagnose and treat quickly and effectively. The doctors are highly qualified, experienced, and trained abroad.
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