How long does it take for sperm to regenerate?

The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Vo Thien Ngon - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital

Sperm regeneration is the process of the production and complete maturation of sperm. This process ensures a continuous and abundant supply of sperm for the most important purpose: fertilizing the woman's ovum. So, what is the process of sperm regeneration like, and how much sperm is produced? How can sperm health be maintained? All these questions will be answered in this article.

1. How long does sperm regeneration take?

Sperm is produced daily in the male body, but a full sperm regeneration cycle (spermatogenesis) takes approximately 64 days.


During sperm production, also known as spermatogenesis, each testicle generates several million sperm per day - about 1,500 per second. At the end of a full sperm production cycle, the male body can regenerate up to 8 billion sperm.



This number may seem excessive, but each milliliter of semen released during ejaculation contains 20-300 million sperm cells. Therefore, producing sperm in such large quantities is necessary to ensure a constant, fresh, and abundant supply of sperm, which is essential for successful fertilization.


2. What’s the cycle for sperm production?

The sperm regeneration cycle includes:


  • The division of diploid sperm cells into haploid spermatids that can carry genetic data.
  • Sperm maturation occurs in the testicle, particularly in the seminiferous tubules: Hormones help spermatids through this process until they become spermatozoa. Afterward, the sperm remains in the testes until they are almost fully matured. Mature sperm has a head that contains genetic material and a tail that enables them to swim through the cervix to fertilize the ovum.
  • The movement of sperm into the epididymis: The epididymis helps preserve sperm until ejaculation. It is also the place where sperm gain the ability to move actively, allowing them to travel long distances when released in the semen.

3. Why is it important to understand sperm regeneration?

Why is it important to understand sperm regeneration?
Why is it important to understand sperm regeneration?

Constant sperm regeneration fills the epididymis with fresh sperm. The longer a man goes without ejaculating, the more sperm accumulate, which results in a higher sperm count in a single ejaculation. 

Based on this, if a man and his partner are trying to conceive, it is recommended that waiting a few days between ejaculation can increase the chances of pregnancy. Additionally, the chances of pregnancy are further enhanced if the man abstains from ejaculation during the week before his partner ovulates. This will maximize the chances of conception by combining two factors: a high sperm count from the man and the woman's most fertile window (the fertility window).

On the other hand, more frequent ejaculation can reduce the sperm count in each ejaculation. This may help decrease the woman's chances of pregnancy, especially if the man abstains from sexual intercourse until after the ovulation ends.

4. How to improve sperm health?

The healthier the sperm, the higher the chances of conception. In addition to quantity, sperm health is also measured by:

Sperm movement (motility)

Sperm need to travel through a woman's cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes before reaching the ovaries for fertilization. Sperm motility is measured by the number of sperm that are actively moving. A man is considered fertile if at least 40% of his sperm are motile.

Sperm shape (morphology)

Sperm should have long tails and oval-shaped heads. A higher count of normal-shaped sperm means a higher chance of conceiving with your partner.


5. How to improve sperm health?

Regular exercise can help improve sperm health
Regular exercise can help improve sperm health

To ensure sperm are produced in sufficient quantity, with high motility and uniform shape, you can try the following methods:


Exercise regularly  

A 2014 study analyzed 433 semen samples from 231 participants, showing that men who regularly engaged in outdoor activities or weightlifting for 3.2 hours per week had 42% higher sperm count compared to those who did not exercise.

Get enough vitamin C and D in your diet

A 2016 study of 200 men found that men who lost weight and took 1,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C supplements every other day saw an increase in sperm count and motility. 


A 2015 study of 102 couples showed that female partners of men with normal levels of vitamin D in their blood samples experienced higher pregnancy rates than partners of men with vitamin D deficiency, despite no substantial differences in their sperm count or motility.


Provide adequate lycopene

Some studies suggest that consuming 4-8 mg of lycopene per day can help increase sperm count and motility, or improve sperm concentration in a semen sample. Lycopene is an antioxidant found in many red-colored fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, papayas, guavas, and pink grapefruit.


Limit or quit smoking

A review of 33 studies since 1982 has shown that smoking has a significant negative impact on semen quality and sperm function, particularly in men with normal fertility.


Limit alcohol consumption 

A study conducted on 1,221 men found that those who consumed more alcohol were more likely to produce sperm with abnormal shapes. Additionally, there is a link between alcohol consumption and lower testosterone levels, which can affect reproductive function.


Wear loose underwear and clothing  

The testicles need to hang in order to maintain a temperature between 35-37°C, which is cooler than the body temperature. This is the optimal environment for sperm production. Wearing tight underwear, jeans, or other tight clothing presses the testicles against the body, raising their temperature and impairing sperm motility and viability.

6. How to increase you and your partner’s chance of conception?

Having sexual intercourse 2-3 times per week helps increase the chances of producing healthy sperm.
Having sexual intercourse 2-3 times per week helps increase the chances of producing healthy sperm.

  • Sexual intercourse 2-3 times per week: This helps increase the chances of producing healthy sperm.  
  • Maintain intercourse a 2-3 days interval: This ensures that men release the highest amount of sperm in the largest possible semen volume. To achieve this, men should abstain from masturbation during the period between sexual activities.  
  • Using an ovulation prediction kit: This tool helps test the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the woman's urine. LH levels surge just before ovulation. If the test is positive, intercourse should be scheduled on the same day. Engaging in sex over the next few days also increases the likelihood of conception.  
  • Avoiding oil-based lubricants: These can negatively affect sperm health.  
  • Consulting a doctor for a semen analysis if you've been trying to conceive for more than 6 months without success: Sperm health is influenced by several factors, such as age, diet, and overall sperm count. A doctor will use the semen analysis results to evaluate sperm health and fertility potential, and provide advice on how to address any issues.  

Thus, the male body produces new sperm every day, and the complete sperm regeneration cycle takes 64 days. This ensures that men always have a fresh supply of sperm for conception.  


Sperm quality and quantity are significantly influenced by diet and lifestyle. Therefore, men should adopt a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and avoid unhealthy behaviors (such as alcohol and smoking) to keep sperm as healthy as possible.  

To get an accurate and comprehensive assessment of sperm health, men should undergo a semen analysis. At Vinmec International General Hospital, we offer both the Basic and Advanced Pre-Marital Checkup Packages, which include semen analysis, with the following advantages:

  • Vinmec Fertility Support Center  is a modern center in Vietnam that uses a coordinated, comprehensive examination process, combining both andrology and obstetrics/gynecology to offer the best solutions for each individual case.
  • A team of highly skilled and experienced experts at the Vinmec Fertility Support Center is capable of implementing the most advanced reproductive support techniques.
  • Modern equipment, synchronized with international standard labs.
  • The clean room system is certified to meet international standards, along with an advanced mini-incubator system, which contributes to enhancing the success rate of IVF cycles.
  • We ensure complete safety and privacy for our clients.

To arrange an appointment, please call HOTLINE or make your reservation directly HERE. You may also download the MyVinmec app to schedule appointments faster and manage your reservations more conveniently.

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