Why is gastroesophageal reflux the causative agent of sinusitis?

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Gastroesophageal reflux is a very common digestive system disease today, which can lead to many dangerous complications for patients such as esophagitis, malnutrition, respiratory complications... Meanwhile, sinusitis is one of the common ENT complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease that patients should not miss and should be treated promptly, avoiding the pathological condition from developing into a chronic one.

1. Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux is defined as a condition in which the contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease can be a physiological phenomenon when there is a hernia in the body, a pregnant woman, an obese person ..., or there is a pathological gastroesophageal reflux disease with an underlying cause. The reason is that the patient has an unscientific and healthy lifestyle such as drinking a lot of carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks such as alcohol or eating too much and lying down right after eating, or it can also be due to too much stress. straight in work and life.
Some typical clinical signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease are belching, heartburn or heartburn, nausea, vomiting, sometimes some other symptoms such as chest pain, cough during periods. For a long time, sore throat, sore throat, sinusitis, weight loss, anemia, gastrointestinal bleeding... so it is easy to misdiagnose with other organ diseases. In some other cases, there may be no clinical symptoms, but gastric reflux is only recognized when the patient undergoes gastroscopy.
When gastroesophageal reflux occurs, stomach acid will back up and come into contact with the lining of the esophagus, causing dangers to the patient's health such as esophageal ulcers, if it occurs in For a long time, it can lead to esophageal stricture or esophageal bleeding, Barrett's esophagus is a factor leading to esophageal cancer later on, pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia...

2. Sinusitis

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Sinuses are hollow cavities in the skull, including sinuses such as the frontal, ethmoid, maxillary, or sphenoid sinuses. The sinuses hold a fairly important task in the body that is to protect the nose from allergens as well as agents from the polluted external environment. Sinusitis is a condition in which the mucosa lining the inside of the sinuses is inflamed, causing swelling and swelling of the sinuses as well as the structures near the sinuses, causing the sinuses to become blocked, and the mucus is stagnant, causing pain for the patient. . Sinusitis has 2 main clinical forms: acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis, depending on the length of time the patient has sinusitis. In particular, chronic sinusitis is often more likely to recur and is difficult to definitively treat patients.
The main symptoms of sinusitis can be mentioned as pain in the sinuses in the skull such as frontal sinus pain, forehead pain on the eyes, patients also have sinus discharge into the nose, throat, stuffy nose, hoarseness of voice. , sore throat, possibly fever. Children can also experience sinusitis and often recur for a long time, need to be treated promptly otherwise it will leave dangerous complications for the child's health such as bronchitis, eye inflammation, meningitis. or otitis media.
Causes of sinusitis are many, including allergies to agents from the external environment such as smoke, toxic chemicals, living with dirty water from lakes, rivers or streams or swimming, due to sore throat. Progressive superinfection leads to sinusitis... Besides, gastroesophageal reflux is also a fairly common cause of sinusitis in patients.

3. Gastroesophageal reflux causes sinusitis

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When a patient has gastroesophageal reflux disease, the gastric juices from the stomach back up into the nose and throat, causing the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to come into contact with the acid in the gastric juice, so it becomes acidic, affecting the function. The action of mucus hair on the surface of the nasopharyngeal mucosa leads to inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, edema in this location, blocking the sinus openings and eventually leading to sinusitis. Another mechanism that causes gastroesophageal reflux to cause sinusitis is that the acidic gastric juice from the stomach stimulates the sympathetic nervous system in the respiratory organs, causing symptoms of sinusitis such as nasal congestion, secretions. Nasal mucus, post-nasal discharge... Some studies also suggest that gastroesophageal reflux has infected the upper respiratory system and including the sinuses with the cause believed to be caused by bacteria from the stomach and intestines. and other digestive organs.
Gastroesophageal reflux causes sinusitis more often in children because the structure of the nasopharynx in children is narrower in diameter than the nasopharynx in adults, and the nasopharyngeal mucosa in children also vulnerable to edema and obstruction. For this reason, the nose and sinuses of children will be significantly reduced ventilation, making it impossible for oxygen to reach much in the sinuses, the pressure in the sinuses will also decrease and the mucosa will become thicker and thicker, increasing the secretion of fluid, making it difficult for children to breathe. The mucociliary system cannot continue to function properly which leads to sinusitis in children.
In the beginning, gastroesophageal reflux will cause acute sinusitis with the duration of symptoms of sinusitis not exceeding 4 weeks. However, if it is not detected and treated early, the openings will become increasingly blocked, making the drainage activities of the nasal sinuses gradually limited, besides, more and more substances are secreted here. stagnation and relieves sinus pressure. Over a long period of time, if the pressure in the sinuses is too low, it will lead to an extremely dangerous phenomenon that is, the sinuses will tend to absorb the nasal secretions carrying a lot of sinusitis bacteria in the opposite direction, leading to to chronic sinusitis, and the duration of chronic sinusitis is usually more than 12 weeks.

4. Conclusion

Sinusitis caused by gastroesophageal reflux is a very common condition in patients who have a history of gastroesophageal reflux, it is difficult to diagnose accurately because there are symptoms similar to other diseases and causes. Others also cause sinusitis. However, when there are any abnormal signs, the patient should immediately report to the doctor for early detection of sinusitis, prompt treatment, and avoid leading to chronic sinusitis.
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