Hello Doctor,
My urine is yellow, sometimes darker and other times lighter in color. I frequently experience bloating and flatulence, almost every day. Doctor, can you tell me Yellow urine, abdominal bloating and farting are signs of what disease? Thank you, doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by: MSc, MD Vũ Tấn Phúc - Gastroenterology Specialist - Department of General Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Phú Quốc International General Hospital.
Regarding the question “Yellow urine, abdominal bloating and farting are signs of what disease?”, the doctor provides the following explanation:
The color of your urine, ranging from dark to light yellow, is often linked to how much water you drink. If you drink plenty of water (over 2 liters daily) but your urine remains dark, and you notice yellowing of your skin, eyes, or mucous membranes, consider getting your liver function tested.
Daily flatulence is normal and usually depends on the foods you eat. The bacteria in the digestive system break down food into gas, which varies in amount. Using probiotics might help improve your symptoms. If bloating and indigestion continue, consult a gastroenterologist for a detailed examination. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a gastroscopy to diagnose the cause of the condition.
If you have further questions about yellow urine, bloating, and flatulence, you can visit a Vinmec Healthcare System hospital for testing and additional consultation. Thank you for trusting and sending your question to Vinmec. Wishing you good health.
Best regards!
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