What types of colon polyps are more likely to progress to cancer?

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Professional advice article by MSc Vu Van Quan - Gastroenterologist, Department of General Surgery & Anesthesiology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
Colon polyps are small masses of cells that form on the lining of the colon. Most colon polyps are benign. But over time, some colon polyps can develop into colon cancer, which is often fatal when found at an advanced stage. So which types of colon polyps are more likely to progress to cancer?

1. What are colon polyps?

Colon polyp is a condition in which neoplastic tissues are produced due to excessive tissue proliferation and develop into protruding tumors in the colon lumen. Most colon polyps are benign, not cancerous.
Rectal polyposis is quite common, especially in people over 50 years old. However, young people are also at risk. For some people, polyps can develop into malignancy and lead to cancer. Early recognition of symptoms and timely treatment is the way to protect the body from dangerous complications caused by colon polyps.
The two most common types of colon polyps are hyperplastic polyps and adenomas. Hyperplastic polyps are not at risk of becoming cancerous. But adenoma polyps are the precursors to most colon cancers. That is the main reason to confirm that colon polyps are dangerous diseases for anyone.

Polyp đại tràng có thể tiến triển thành ung thư đại tràng
Polyp đại tràng có thể tiến triển thành ung thư đại tràng

2. Colon polyps are easy to progress to cancer

Some colon polyps can become cancerous. Polyps that are removed early are less likely to become malignant.
Here are the types of colon polyps that have a high risk of developing cancer:
The larger the polyp, the higher the risk of cancer or pre-cancer. Colon polyps 1cm or more can become cancerous. Some very large polyps may have small areas of cancerous growth; Polyps with very short legs and polyps with a rough, easy-to-bleed appearance are very cancerous; Stemless polyps are more likely to cause cancer than pedunculated polyps (legged colon polyps); Adenoid polyps are mainly glandular cells lining the inside of the large intestine, which are more likely to develop into cancer (that is, being in a precancerous state). Serrated gland polyps are a special progressive form of adenomatous polyps; When too many of these tumors appear in the large intestine, the disease is called multiple colonic polyps. Although the majority of polyps are benign, patients with multiple colorectal polyps have a potential risk of cancer, because when one of the tumors is excessively proliferating and undifferentiated, it will become malignant. This is a family disease, the cause is believed to be hereditary, so there is almost no way to prevent the disease. What we can do is monitor and prevent malignancy by resecting the tumor when needed;

Khả năng tiến triển thành ung thư đại tràng của polyp đại tràng ít hơn so với các polyp đại tràng khác
Khả năng tiến triển thành ung thư đại tràng của polyp đại tràng ít hơn so với các polyp đại tràng khác
Non-neoplastic polyps include hyperplastic polyps, inflammatory polyps, and hamartomatous polyps. These types of polyps do not usually become cancerous. Neoplastic polyps include adenomas and serrated types. In general, the larger the polyp, the higher the risk of cancer, especially with neoplastic polyps.

3. Subjects at risk of colon polyps progressing to cancer

Age over 50; History of colon polyps; Having a close family member with colon polyps or colon cancer; Subjects have a habit of eating a lot of meat and fatty foods; People who regularly smoke or are exposed to secondhand smoke; People who drink a lot of alcohol and alcoholic beverages continuously for a long time; People who are overweight – obese or have a short-term spike in weight; Subjects are inactive, lie down or sit a lot.

Thường xuyên thăm khám định kỳ nhằm phát hiện và điều trị sớm có vấn đề về tiêu hóa - gan mật
Thường xuyên thăm khám định kỳ nhằm phát hiện và điều trị sớm có vấn đề về tiêu hóa - gan mật

4. How to prevent colon polyps?

You can significantly reduce your risk of colon polyps and colorectal cancer by making lifestyle changes and getting regular checkups. At the same time, when there are signs of disease, it is necessary to seek medical attention and treat it early so that the disease does not progress to malignancy.
Possible measures include:
Building healthy eating and living habits: Eat more fruits, vegetables and grains, reduce fat; limit alcohol intake and quit smoking; stay physically active and maintain a healthy body weight; Take calcium and vitamin D supplements in consultation with your doctor: Studies have shown that increasing your calcium consumption can help prevent colon adenomas recurrence. But it's not clear whether calcium has any protective benefits against colon cancer. Other studies have shown that vitamin D may have a protective effect against colorectal cancer.

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Article referenced source: Mayoclinic.org
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