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Articles in Colon

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Uses of Nixazide
Currently, the drug Nixazide is often used for patients with acute diarrhea that is caused by bacterial infection. So how should Nixazide be used for the best effect?
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Laparoscopic colectomy: When to perform?
Right colectomy is the removal of the ascending colon and one third of the transverse colon to treat benign as well as malignant diseases of the colon. Compared with traditional open surgery, laparoscopic colectomy has many more outstanding advantages and is increasingly being applied in medicine.
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Warning signs of diverticulitis
A diverticulum is a bulge of a round mass in the colon. It occurs when the inner lining of the colon weakens and forms one or more pouches. When these pouches become inflamed or infected, it is called diverticulitis.
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How is ileocecal tuberculosis treated?
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis of the ileum is a type of gastrointestinal tuberculosis, with symptoms that are easily confused with other diseases. Tuberculosis is common in people of working age, especially between the ages of 30 and 55. In addition, patients with intestinal tuberculosis often also have tuberculosis in other organs such as pulmonary tuberculosis, rarely urinary tract tuberculosis (most commonly renal tuberculosis).
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Complications of diverticulitis
In Tay Tay, half of people over 60% develop diverticulitis, but only 10%-25% of people continue to develop diverticulitis. Diverticulitis usually develops when the waste outlet in the sacs is blocked, the stagnation allows bacteria to accumulate and cause infection. Inflammation spreads to surrounding fatty tissue, sometimes perforation of the diverticulum leads to abscess formation or peritonitis. Rarely, a colonic fistula may form with the bladder, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina.
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Colon polyps in children: What you need to know
Colon polyps are quite common in children. Colon polyps in children often progress silently, without many symptoms in the early stages, so early diagnosis and detection are often difficult.
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Diagnosis and treatment of irritable bowel disease
Modern life with a lot of pressure and mental stress makes irritable bowel disease appear more. This is a benign disease because there is no physical damage to the colon, but it causes many inconveniences and difficult to treat.
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Safe colon cleansing measures
An unhealthy diet will cause the colon to gradually be destroyed, causing many difficulties in excretion. So what to eat to clean the colon or natural ways to clean the colon is a matter of concern for many people.
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Note for re-examination after colon polyp removal
Colon polyps are benign tumors in the colon. However, if they continue to progress, they can become malignant, developing into cancer. Therefore, early detection and treatment of colon polyps with colon polypectomy will help prevent unpredictable risks later.
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What size colon polyp should be removed?
Colon polyps are abnormal areas of tissue that protrude into the colon lumen, arising from the lining of the colon. There are many different types of polyps in terms of their potential for benign and malignant progression. Therefore, whether to remove polyps or not depends on many factors such as polyp type, number of polyps, colon polyp size, ...
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Notes in removing enema to clean the colon before colonoscopy
Enema is a procedure that introduces water into the colon through the anus to soften and loosen hard stools and widen the intestinal wall, stimulating contraction to push the stool out. Colon cleansing procedure is performed to facilitate the colonoscopy process, allowing the doctor to observe carefully and obtain accurate diagnosis results.
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