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Articles in Tumor

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Can Ultrasound Detect Colon Cancer?
Colon ultrasound is a non-invasive, painless diagnostic technique used for early detection of colon cancer, making treatment decisions more objective.
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The Difference Between the Lungs of a Smoker and a Non-Smoker on X-Ray
Smoking is a harmful habit that is difficult to quit, not only among men but also women. Cigarette smoke has a significant impact on health, especially the lungs, and can cause lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, and, notably, lung cancer.
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Symptoms in the Late Stages of Liver Cancer
Late-stage liver cancer is when most patients are diagnosed. At this stage, symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, enlarged liver, ascites, and jaundice become more apparent as the tumor grows. This condition typically progresses silently and is difficult to recognize in the early stages. Therefore, if there are any abnormal signs, patients should immediately get screened for liver cancer.
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Can we identify benign or malignant lymph nodes?
If you suddenly notice lymph nodes in your body, try not to worry too much. First, it's important to visit a doctor who can examine and diagnose whether the lymph nodes are benign or malignant. Based on the diagnosis, you can then determine a suitable treatment method.
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Boils on the Thigh: What You Need to Know
Boils on the thigh are a common skin infection caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Most boils will resolve within a few weeks without complications. However, if the boil on the thigh persists or recurs, you should see a doctor for timely treatment.
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Frequent Feeling of Throat Obstruction: Be Alert to Esophageal Cancer
The sensation of a lump in the throat, difficulty breathing, or swallowing are common symptoms that can significantly affect daily life and health. These symptoms may indicate esophageal cancer or other health issues.
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Signs of shoulder bone cancer
Shoulder bone cancer is often difficult to detect. Therefore, recognizing the signs of shoulder bone cancer in the early stages is very important for timely detection and treatment of the disease.
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Can Ultrasound Detect Stomach Cancer?
Ultrasound is a common diagnostic imaging technique used to detect a wide range of diseases, including cancer. So, can an ultrasound detect stomach cancer?
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What is the life expectancy for patients with esophageal cancer?
Esophageal cancer is a malignant disease with a high risk of death because it is often diagnosed at later stages. However, if detected early, the 5-year survival rate is greatly improved. If you wonder how long a patient with esophageal cancer can live, please read the information below.
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