Home Tag Colon polyps

Articles in Colon polyps

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Colon polyps in children: What you need to know
Colon polyps are quite common in children. Colon polyps in children often progress silently, without many symptoms in the early stages, so early diagnosis and detection are often difficult.
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Note for re-examination after colon polyp removal
Colon polyps are benign tumors in the colon. However, if they continue to progress, they can become malignant, developing into cancer. Therefore, early detection and treatment of colon polyps with colon polypectomy will help prevent unpredictable risks later.
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What size colon polyp should be removed?
Colon polyps are abnormal areas of tissue that protrude into the colon lumen, arising from the lining of the colon. There are many different types of polyps in terms of their potential for benign and malignant progression. Therefore, whether to remove polyps or not depends on many factors such as polyp type, number of polyps, colon polyp size, ...
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Common types of colorectal polyps
Polyp is the term used to refer to growths of the lining of the mucous membrane. This growth can appear in the digestive tract, uterus, bladder, nasal passages, or genital area. Some colon polyps can turn cancerous. Determining what type of colorectal polyps is important in the prevention and treatment of the disease.
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Colon polyps and progression to cancer
Colon polyps are tumor-like lesions that can be pedunculated or sessile. They are formed by the overgrowth of the colonic mucosa. Colon polyps are mostly benign, but there are some cases where polyps turn malignant and have the potential to progress to colon cancer or colorectal cancer.
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What types of colon polyps are more likely to progress to cancer?
Colon polyps are small masses of cells that form on the lining of the colon. Most colon polyps are benign. But over time, some colon polyps can develop into colon cancer, which is often fatal when found at an advanced stage. So which types of colon polyps are more likely to progress to cancer?
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What are gastrointestinal polyps? Symptoms, classification and danger level
Gastrointestinal polyps are often an incidental finding when patients have gastrointestinal disorders and endoscopy is indicated. There are many types of polyps, but they all have one thing in common: they do not manifest clearly, making patients confused, worried, and do not know what disease they have. The information presented below will provide a basic understanding of this pathology.
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Classification of colon polyps
A polyp is a protrusion on the surface of the colon's epithelial lining. Colon polyps can be pedunculated or have broad legs. Histologically, colonic polyps can arise from either the epithelial layer (adenoma, hyperplastic polyp) or the stromal layer (hamartoma).
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What are colon polyps? Causes, symptoms and treatment
Colon polyps are important because they can become malignant (cancerous). Based on the size, number and histology (histology) of colon polyps can predict the likelihood of developing further polyps and colon cancer.
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Some problems can be encountered after colonoscopy
Rectal endoscopy is an essential technique to help diagnose diseases related to the digestive system quickly, accurately and with the safest and most effective treatment. One of the problems many people are afraid of is bleeding or complications after colonoscopy.
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Before colonoscopy: Do you need to fast?
Colonoscopy is one of the most effective methods for preventing or early detection of related diseases such as ulcers, colorectal cancer... Before colonoscopy, there are a number of things that need to be done. do such as: remove enemas, clean the intestines before colonoscopy...
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