What to eat with scleroderma?

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There is no separate menu for scleroderma patients, because the symptoms and severity of each case are different. General advice for scleroderma patients should focus on anti-inflammatory foods, providing energy, protein, vitamins and minerals.

1. What should scleroderma eat?

Scleroderma is a condition in which the immune system overstimulates collagen-producing cells, causing inflammation and accumulation of excess collagen. The disease causes hardening of the skin and, more seriously, fibrosis of internal organs (systemic scleroderma), such as the lungs, digestive tract, and blood vessels. While there are no specific foods or nutrients that can reduce collagen production, the right nutrition can have a positive effect on the condition, helping to fight fatigue, inflammation, and disorders. Digestive function in scleroderma patients.
Recommendations on general nutrition for scleroderma patients are as follows:
Eat small meals regularly every 3-4 hours. If you have severe weight loss or can only eat small amounts at a time, eat more often, 2 hours apart to maximize nutrient intake; Choose fresh, whole, healthy foods. No preservatives, artificial ingredients or hydrogenated oils. If you choose canned foods, there should be no chemical ingredients, the shorter the list of ingredients the better; Add antioxidant-rich, anti-inflammatory herbs and spices, such as: basil, rosemary, marjoram, cinnamon, ginger, paprika, chili pepper, turmeric, and curry powder; Cut down on added sugars: Added sugars are different from the natural sugars found in fruit, milk, and yogurt. Check the ingredients list and avoid terms that refer to added sugars like sucrose, cane, fructose, rice syrup, honey, nectar, corn syrup, and vegetable syrup.

Các loại gia vị thảo mộc được sử dụng trong chế biến món ăn dành cho người bệnh
Các loại gia vị thảo mộc được sử dụng trong chế biến món ăn dành cho người bệnh

Consider taking an over-the-counter multivitamin and mineral supplement, such as: Zinc, iron, vitamins A, D, E and K, folate and B-12,... depending on the specific nutrient being affected. shortage. Probiotic supplements can help restore bowel function and reduce symptoms of bloating and gas; Drink filtered water, preferably not in a plastic container, instead in a glass or stainless steel container. Every day should drink an amount of water equal to half of body weight, ie more than 2 liters of water in a person weighing 68kg; Consider eliminating undigested foods from the diet, such as products containing wheat or dairy (lactose), to address digestive symptoms (belching, bloating, discomfort, diarrhea, and vomiting). / or constipation ); Adopting a low-FODMAP diet has also been shown to benefit people with scleroderma. However, it is necessary to consult a nutritionist to ensure that the body is fully satisfied.

2. Controlling scleroderma symptoms

People with chronic diseases, such as systemic scleroderma, often experience weakness, fatigue, indigestion and lack of nutrients. Therefore, a nutritious, high-quality diet must be emphasized, in order to increase quality of life and control symptoms.
2.1. Reflux, heartburn Should be divided into meals and used regularly, regularly throughout the day to avoid bloating. Avoid eating within 2 - 3 hours before going to bed, as well as do not take foods that aggravate symptoms, such as:
Citrus fruits; Products made from tomatoes; Fried foods that are greasy or spicy; The coffee;

Người bệnh không nên sử dung cà phê
Người bệnh không nên sử dung cà phê

Raw garlic, onions and chili peppers; Mint; Bean; Broccoli; Gas drink; Alcohol. Weight loss can also help improve heartburn and reflux in people who are full. In addition, it is recommended to use an extra pillow when sleeping to elevate the head and torso, helping to prevent stomach acid reflux into the airways.

2.2. Poor digestion, constipation Some people have digestive problems, even though they eat enough foods, but cannot absorb nutrients properly. This leads to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, or other symptoms. Patients with systemic scleroderma affecting the digestive system should:
Exercise, such as walking, to promote the movement of food through the digestive tract; Consume more fiber with whole grains, fruits and vegetables; Take a daily probiotic supplement, or eat probiotic yogurt regularly; Increase fluids, drink plenty of water.

Tăng cường uống nhiều nước giúp người bệnh cải thiện tình trạng tiêu hóa
Tăng cường uống nhiều nước giúp người bệnh cải thiện tình trạng tiêu hóa

2.3. Inflammation Supplement antioxidants with dark colored fruits and vegetables, especially dark green, dark yellow, orange, red, purple and blue; Choose fatty fish, nuts and walnuts rich in omega-3 fatty acids; Eat foods high in vitamin E, like nuts and olive oil; Consider taking an extra Vitamin D3 1000 IU (cholecalciferol) tablet with meals for better absorption. 2.4. Fatigue, lethargy Divide meals into small, frequent refueling to avoid hypoglycemia; Enhanced fluid replenishment; Exercise with moderate intensity, for 30 - 60 minutes a day, with subjects such as walking, cycling, swimming, pilates or yoga; Get enough 7-8 hours of sleep every night; Talk to your doctor about iron supplements. Iron pills should be taken with juice containing vitamin C for better absorption. 2.5. Impaired blood circulation / Raynaud's syndrome Exercise increases blood circulation; Systemic scleroderma patients with finger ulcers need to eat animal protein sources, rich in zinc and iron, (such as beef and pork) to accelerate wound healing.
2.6. Stomach, tight Eat foods rich in vitamin E like:

Các loại hạt chứa nhiều vitamin E được lựa chọn dành cho người bệnh xơ cứng bì
Các loại hạt chứa nhiều vitamin E được lựa chọn dành cho người bệnh xơ cứng bì

Nuts; Wheat germ; Canola oil; Olive; Peanut oil. Consider supplementing with 5 mg (5000 mcg) of biotin per day to nourish skin and nails.
2.7. Difficulty chewing or swallowing Some patients eat less due to difficulty chewing or swallowing, gradually causing weight loss and extreme malnutrition. In this case, the scleroderma patient should:
Drink smoothies or fresh fruit and vegetable juices; Mixed fruit, yogurt, milk, breakfast cereals and/or whey protein powder; Soft and moist protein sources, such as: Cheese, steamed eggs, yogurt, fish, chicken soup, ground meat, pasta... 2.8. Weight Loss Significant weight loss over the course of 3 - 6 months can be a sign of inadequate nutrient and calorie intake. To restore weight and nutritional status, patients should consider:
See a doctor to treat intestinal (or stomach) bacterial overgrowth; Add healthy fats to your diet: Olive oil, canola, peanut oil, nuts, margarine, avocado, fatty fish and salad dressings; Fruit smoothies, yogurt and milk, peanut butter, instant cereals and/or whey protein powder; Consider taking a protein-rich drink between meals, 1 - 3 times per day; Small meals spaced every 2 hours to maximize calories and nutrients.
Even when trying to stick to a healthy diet, patients with systemic scleroderma are at higher risk for malnutrition. It is important for every person with scleroderma to monitor their nutritional status regularly, consume healthy foods throughout the day and get enough nutrients from all the different food groups. .
For detailed advice, please come directly to Vinmec health system or register online HERE.
Reference source: healthline.com; uofmhealth.org
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