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Articles in Allergy

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What is Almetamin? Uses and Effects
Almetamin is a medication prescribed for treating allergic conditions, with the main active ingredients being Betamethasone and Dexchlorpheniramine. To ensure effective treatment and avoid side effects, patients must follow the doctor's or pharmacist's instructions.
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The function of Erolin allergy medication
Erolin is formulated in the form of tablets, whose main ingredient is Loratadin. The medication is used in the treatment of allergies, urticaria,... To ensure the effectiveness of use and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to take the drug as prescribed by doctors and pharmacists.
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Uses of Allermine 4mg
Allermine 4mg is formulated as a tablet containing the active ingredient Chlorpheniramine Maleate. It is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory allergic conditions.
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Uses of Almetamin 0.25mg
Almetamin is a drug used to treat some allergic diseases such as allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, urticaria, etc. Some cases, such as glaucoma and prostatitis, are contraindicated with this drug.
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Liver pruritus
Hepatic pruritus occurs when the liver's detoxification function is no longer able to clear harmful substances from the body. Hepatic pruritus can be seen in patients with pre-existing liver disease or those with an inappropriate lifestyle, accumulating many toxins in the body. Hepatic pruritus causes a lot of discomfort for the patient and needs to be treated properly.
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What to do when you are allergic to shower gel?
For some people, chemicals in shower products, cosmetics, and cleaning agents can trigger allergic skin reactions. Shower gel allergies in infants and adults can sometimes cause the skin to peel, become red, or become itchy and burning.
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What should Scleroderma patients’ diet be?
There is no specific diet for patients with scleroderma, as symptoms and severity vary by individual. General advice for scleroderma patients on what to eat focuses on anti-inflammatory foods that provide energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
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Is Eating Apples During Pregnancy Beneficial?
During pregnancy, the development of the baby depends on you to provide essential nutrients. That’s why it’s important to make the best food choices for both your baby and yourself. A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is crucial because these foods, including apples, contain many of the nutrients you and your baby need to stay healthy.
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Watermelon allergy: Symptoms and Foods to avoid
Watermelon is a delicious and nutritious food. However, it's unfortunate if you have a watermelon allergy. This article provides necessary information for you in case of watermelon allergy.
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Dealing with Lemon Allergies
Lemon is a widely consumed food, used daily. However, some individuals present with allergic reactions to lemons, as well as other members of the Citrus genus. These reactions may be attributed to sensitization to citric acid or specific proteins found within the lemon fruit. This article may provide further insight into lemon allergy.
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Is consuming shrimp shells beneficial?
Shrimp shells are a rich source of lean protein, healthy fats and minerals but are often overlooked. Regularly eating shrimp with shells can enhance immunity, support weight loss, and boost brain and heart health. However, these shells can cause allergies and contain some heavy metals. Therefore, caution is needed when preparing and consuming them.
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