What are the psychological benefits of exercise for depression?

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Regular exercise has been scientifically proven to trigger positive feelings, reducing symptoms of depression. In addition, exercise also brings many other benefits such as increasing muscle strength, flexibility, creating good sleep, ...

1. Is Exercise Good for Depression?

When you exercise, your body releases a chemical called endorphin - the hormone of happiness. These endorphins interact with receptors in the brain to help reduce the sensation of pain, with effects similar to those of pain relievers and sedatives. In addition, it also helps to trigger positive feelings in the body, similar to morphine. That is why after exercise, the body feels excited and full of energy.
Endorphins are produced in the brain, spinal cord and many other parts of the body. It is released to perform its role as a neurotransmitter. Endorphin neuron receptors have the ability to bind to certain pain medications. However, unlike morphine, the activation of these receptors by endorphins does not cause addiction or dependence.

Regular exercise has been shown to help:
Reduce stress Avoid feelings of anxiety and depression Increase self-esteem Improve sleep Exercise also has additional health benefits:
Strengthens activity Cardiovascular arteries Increase energy Lower blood pressure Improve muscle strength Strengthen bone structure Lose fat A fit and healthy body

Tập thể dục mang lại nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe
Tập thể dục mang lại nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe

2. Is exercise used in the treatment of depression?

Exercise is a treatment for depression but has not been effectively utilized in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. In addition, exercise also helps increase vitamin D synthesis and improves mental health.

3. Exercises are good for people with depression

Some types of exercise can be applied to people with depression , including:
Cycling Dancing Gardening (trimming branches, hoeing, ...) Golf (walking instead of using a car) push) Housework (sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, ...) Jogging at a moderate pace Basic aerobics Playing tennis Swimming Swimming Walking Yoga Depression can improve faster with support of society. Therefore, depressed people can choose to join exercise classes or exercise with relatives and friends.

4. Do you need to consult a doctor before deciding to exercise?

Almost everyone can do exercise on their own without a doctor's advice, with the exception of people aged 50 and over who have not exercised for a long time, who suffering from diseases such as diabetes , heart disease , ...

Hầu hết tất cả mọi người đều có thể tự luyện tập thể dục mà không cần đến lời khuyên của bác sĩ
Hầu hết tất cả mọi người đều có thể tự luyện tập thể dục mà không cần đến lời khuyên của bác sĩ

5. How to choose the right type of exercise?

Before starting an exercise program for depression, you should consider answering the following questions:
What physical activities excite you most? Do you prefer group or individual activities? What type of exercise fits your schedule? What disease are you currently suffering from? What physical activity does it interfere with? What goal do you have? (lose weight, build muscle, improve flexibility or boost mood) How long should you exercise to relieve depression? Try to exercise for at least 20-30 minutes, 3 times a week, exercise 4 or 5 times a week is even better. You should start exercising lightly, with 20 minutes, and gradually increase over time to a maximum of 30 minutes.

6. Some tips before starting to exercise

Choose a fitness activity that you enjoy to make your workout fun. Put an exercise routine in your schedule, you can set reminders if necessary. You should change the variety of exercises to avoid boring by joining the gym near where you live to learn about exercise programs You should consider spending reasonable money on exercise programs. Avoid buying expensive equipment and club packages unless you commit to regular participation Keep working out so it quickly becomes a part of your lifestyle

7. What should exercise cause pain?

The body will increase the feeling of tension, damage joints and muscles if you continue to exercise ignoring the pain. If the pain persists for more than an hour after exercising, it could be due to overtraining. If the pain is persistent or severe, you may have been injured and need to see a doctor for examination and treatment.
If exercise isn't right for you or you don't have much time, you can turn to other mood-boosting methods. Meditation and massage therapy have been shown to stimulate the release of endorphins, increasing feelings of relaxation and improving mood.
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Reference source: webmd.com
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