Home Tag Postpartum depression

Articles in Postpartum depression

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Effects and notes when using Cyclogest 400mg
Cyclogest 400mg pessary is used to treat premenstrual syndrome as well as many other gynecological diseases. So, to be the most effective when using cyclogest, what should the patient pay attention to?
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Uses of Zulresso
Zulresso is a medication that is given intravenously and under the supervision of a healthcare professional to treat postpartum depression in women. Medications are used to help relieve symptoms and reduce the risk of depression.
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The effect of the drug Brexanolone
The drug Brexanolone has the international trade name Zulresso. Brexanolone is used to treat the symptoms of postpartum depression. Let's find out what Brexanolone is and how to use it in the article below.
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Can postpartum depression in women be cured?
Postpartum women's psychology is affected, combining many factors that cause postpartum depression. If not detected and treated properly, postpartum depression can cause unfortunate consequences and endanger the lives of both mother and child. So can depression be cured and how?
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Identifying postpartum depression - can it go away on its own?
Postpartum depression seriously affects the mother's health, especially the physical and mental development of the child. In severe cases, the woman will not be able to control her thoughts and actions, causing violence against the child immediately after giving birth.
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When does depression usually appear after giving birth?
Postpartum depression usually appears in the first 2-3 months after giving birth with symptoms such as anxiety, sadness, insomnia, anger... If the patient is not detected and treated promptly, the disease can become more severe and unfortunate consequences can occur.
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Postpartum depression may recur in subsequent pregnancies
Up to 85% of women experience signs of postpartum depression. Most of these symptoms are transient and relatively mild. However, some cases persist, leading to serious consequences affecting both mother and child.
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Overcoming postpartum depression: What you need to know
Postpartum depression can have a major impact on women’s psychology and health. If the disease is not detected and treated promptly, it can lead to unfortunate consequences, even endangering the lives of both mother and baby.
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How to deal with depression during pregnancy?
The hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy affect all women, but some are more susceptible to depression during pregnancy. At least 10% of pregnant women experience depression during this period. Read the article!
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Why do depressed people commit suicide?
According to a report by the Institute of Mental Health, each year in Vietnam, more than 40,000 people commit suicide due to depression. The report also said that about 30% of the Vietnamese population has mental disorders, 25% of which are depressive disorders.
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Things to know when falling in love with a depressed person
Depression is a common disease in modern society. According to WHO, an estimated 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Anyone can get the disease, including family members, friends or your lover. Equip yourself with knowledge when loving a depressed person to make your love last longer.
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