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Articles in Omega 3

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What are the benefits of taking omega 3? Can I use it every day?
Omega 3 is one of the essential functional foods that you should supplement for your body because humans cannot synthesize and create Omega 3 by themselves. However, the addition of Omega 3 needs to be reasonable to achieve good effect, avoiding the side effects of Omega 3.
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Omera drug: Uses, indications and notes when using
Currently, health supplements receive many choices and interests of consumers. What does Omera drug work and how to use Omera, let's learn together so that the use of the drug is effective and safe.
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Healthy food Shark Liver Oil Omega-3: effects and notes when using
Shark Liver Oil Omega-3 foods are known to help provide omega 3, when the body does not get enough of this nutrient from natural foods. This product also contributes to strengthening the resistance of cancer patients who are exhausted in health.
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Uses of Kidmega
I do not know how to help my child develop comprehensively both mentally and physically along with peers. The following article will provide you with information about Kidmega medicine to help provide DHA, vitamins and minerals for children, trusted by many mothers.
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Does taking Omega 3 reduce blood fat?
Omega 3 is a type of unsaturated fatty acid that plays an important role in the human body. Omega 3 has 3 main types including EPA, DHA and DPA. So what is the effect of unsaturated fatty acids and does taking Omega 3 reduce blood fat?
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Nutrition after heart surgery
Proper diet and weight control after heart surgery can reduce cardiovascular risks, help prevent recurrence and the need for future heart surgery.
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Why is Omega-3 a "good" fat?
Today, there is a lot of advice and advertising about taking a daily omega 3 supplement. Because omega is actually a form of good fat for the body.
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High blood fat, why do skinny people still get it?
Factors that increase bad cholesterol causing high blood fat include sedentary lifestyle, eating a lot of fat and oil, smoking, drinking alcohol, family history, etc. High cholesterol regardless of weight. If the lifestyle and diet are not healthy, there is still a chance that thin people have fatty blood.
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Ischemic cardiomyopathy should eat what?
Ischemic cardiomyopathy is also known as stable angina or coronary insufficiency. This is a fairly common cardiovascular disease in Vietnam. The disease seriously affects life expectancy, quality of life as well as costs for treatment and care.
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What month should pregnant women supplement DHA?
DHA rất tốt cho sức khỏe của mẹ và bé, hỗ trợ trong quá trình phát triển của não bộ thai nhi và thị lực của trẻ cũng tốt hơn. Quá trình này diễn ra trong suốt thai kỳ và đỉnh điểm trong tam cá nguyệt thứ ba. Tìm hiểu về việc bổ sung DHA trong thai kỳ không chỉ giúp trẻ có nền tảng trí não tốt nhất mà còn giúp mẹ có một thai kỳ khỏe mạnh, giảm nguy cơ sinh non.
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Use Omega 3 rationally
Axit béo Omega 3 là một trong những loại chất béo rất tốt cho cơ thể, chúng giúp giảm các nguy cơ về bệnh tim mạch, trầm cảm, mất trí nhớ. Tuy nhiên, cơ thể con người không tự tạo ra axit béo omega 3, do đó cần bổ sung omega 3 qua các loại thực phẩm, dầu cá.... một cách hợp lý.
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