Lotus seeds are not simply a refreshing sweet soup, but also help treat indigestion, body weakness, and slow down the aging process... Notably, eating lotus seeds makes it easier to sleep, because this food contains glucosides and some alkaline substances that help a calming effect.
1. Lotus seeds have anti-inflammatory effects
Lotus seeds contain kaempferol, natural flavonoids that help fight bacteria, inflammation and infection. Therefore, many doctors recommend that postpartum women should eat a lot of lotus seeds to heal wounds quickly.
2. Eating lotus seeds makes it easier to sleep
According to traditional medicine, eating lotus seeds makes it easier to sleep because this food contains glucosides and some alkaline substances that help calm the nerves and help you sleep.
If you eat lotus seeds in the evening, your body will increase insulin production, making it easier for you to fall asleep. In addition to lotus seeds, using lotus heart to make tea to drink every day is very effective in treating insomnia.
3. Nourishing for pregnant women and fetuses
This is a good food for pregnant women and fetuses if you are still wondering "what are the effects of eating lotus seeds". According to research, lotus seeds contain a large amount of protein, so if pregnant women use this type of seed, they will have a healthy pregnancy.
It has been calculated that in 100 grams of fresh lotus, there will be 162 grams of calories; 30 grams of glucid; 9.5 grams of protein and some vitamins A, C... These nutrients help to maintain a healthy pregnancy, prevent miscarriage and stimulate fetal brain development.
4. Lotus seeds help improve skin
Lotus seeds have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce sebum, and unclog pores, so women often use this food to prevent acne, and keep skin smooth and healthy.
In particular, lotus seeds provide a large amount of glucides, lipids, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins... these are minerals that are effective in exfoliating and circulating blood, thereby helping the skin to be whiter and smoother.
5. Anti-aging skin from lotus seeds
In addition to the skin recovery ability, the enzyme L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase also helps slow down the aging process through the improvement of the protein system.
6. Regulate cholesterol and blood sugar
Lotus seeds contain a large amount of fiber that helps regulate cholesterol and blood sugar. Therefore, many doctors recommend that diabetic patients should eat lotus seeds at least 3 times a week.
In addition, the alkaloid and isoquinoline components in lotus heart will help expand blood vessels, thereby supporting the reduction of high blood pressure.
7. Improve the digestive system with dried lotus seeds
This is a food that helps improve the digestive system if you are still wondering what the effects of eating dried lotus seeds are". Currently, fast food is very popular, causing many people to suffer from digestive diseases, such as stomach ulcers, diarrhea, constipation... However, the antioxidants in lotus seeds can help prevent and improve the condition.
8. Protect the urinary tract
When eating lotus seeds, the body will increase the excretion of melamine, especially the compound palmitic acid methyl ester, helping the urinary tract to be clear and free of sediment.
In short, with many good effects in medicine, lotus seeds are used as a home remedy to reduce digestive problems, support the treatment of insomnia, body weakness, indigestion... Therefore, you can prepare many dishes from lotus seeds such as porridge, sweet soup, salad,... to diversify your daily menu as well as improve your health.
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