Uses of Banzel

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Banzeld is used for anti-epileptic reactions and convulsions. When using the drug, follow the doctor's orders exactly to avoid unwanted side effects. Here is some information to share about Banzel.

1. Uses of the drug Banzel

Banzel is also known as an anti-epileptic drug. The doctor will usually prescribe the use of Banzel for the case of children with severe epilepsy affecting their behavior or showing signs of convulsions of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

2. Dosage and how to use Banzel

2.1 Adult Dosage When starting to use adults should take a dose of 400-800mg. Use the drug 2 times a day. The dose is then gradually increased to a maximum of 3200 mg/day if needed. Dosage adjustments should be discussed with your doctor. Most patients on maintenance medication should take 1600mg/day.
Children Children from 1 year old can use Banzel when prescribed and directed by a doctor. Dosage in young children cannot be fixed because of the different effects of body weight. The first dose will be calculated as 10mg/kg and divided equally into 2 doses per day. Then, if necessary, the doctor will gradually increase it by 10mg/kg. Banzel medicine when used for children, the maximum dose is determined to be 45mg / kg per day, children should not use more than 3200mg of the drug per day.
2.2 How to use Banzel before use should exchange information with a doctor for the most appropriate instructions for use. When taking the drug can change the shape by crushing or biting before swallowing.

3. Notes on the drug Banzel

Patients with a history of or are suffering from liver and cardiovascular diseases should not use the drug. When using, it is necessary to comply with the doctor's orders, at the same time, when people with epilepsy take the drug, their family members and doctors will pay attention to their abnormal mood expression afterwards.
If you are allergic to rufinamide or have heart rhythm problems or pre-existing liver disease, you should avoid taking Banzel. In case it is not clear, you should inform your doctor to monitor and take the drug slowly to be able to clearly identify health problems when using.
Pregnant women should avoid using Banzel because there is a serious risk to the health of both mother and baby. Medicines when not in use should be stored in an environment with suitable temperature and climate conditions. If the medicine is in liquid form, let the vial stand and tell the doctor to handle it when the vial is opened for more than 90 days and the medicine has not been used up.

4. Unintended side effects of Banzel

Loss of balance A worsening of convulsions or seizures Limited ability to walk Dizziness Persistent fatigue Drowsiness Nausea Headache You may also experience a few other side effects not listed in above. However, always keep in mind the common side effects and monitor for unusual health symptoms to promptly notify the doctor for examination and treatment as soon as possible.

5. Interactions with Banzel

Consider if Banzel is used concurrently with valproate. This could be a risk factor for a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug. If you take Bazel with birth control pills, it can significantly reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Therefore, doctors often advise people who are taking Banzel to use a non-hormonal method of contraception to ensure.
Some drugs when taken together with Banzel can cause drowsiness and difficulty concentrating. Be careful if you're taking opioids, sleeping pills, muscle relaxants, or medications for anxiety or seizures. In addition, if you are taking valproic acid, tell your doctor to re-evaluate the dose and the appropriate way to use Banzel.
All supplements or over-the-counter and prescription drugs should be clearly reported to the treating physician for consideration. Natural remedies are no exception. Tell your doctor about all medications you are taking and if you have any hereditary allergies, especially if you have a history of allergic reactions that do not interact well with rufinamide.
Above is some information and instructions on how to use Banzel. This drug can affect or even make the patient's health condition worse if used incorrectly. You need to regularly go to the hospital to check and report to your doctor in detail about common health problems from the time you started taking the drug to the present.

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