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Hello pharmacist!
I'm taking the blue Avalo 28 pill, now I've taken 13 pills, ie 13 days, I've seen my period. So the pharmacist asked me if I had a period while I was taking Avalo birth control pill for 13 days, should I continue to take it? Or should I take another medicine, pharmacist? My period is not much, I only have to use tampons every day, my period is darker!
Looking forward to the pharmacist's advice, thank you!
Anonymous question
With the question "If you have a period while taking Avalo contraceptive pill for 13 days, should you continue to take it? ", the pharmacist would like to answer as follows:
Avalo birth control pill includes 28 pills, each pill contains Levonorgestrel with the same amount, start taking the pill on the first day of the menstrual cycle (to be sure not to get pregnant) Drink continuously without interruption. The drug can cause menstrual disorders, you continue to take this pack, do not need to change a new pack, after a while, this side effect will decrease. However, you should note that if you feel pain in the lower abdomen, you need to go to a medical facility to examine and rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. Every 6-12 months, you need to have regular gynecological exams to rule out cancer because irregular vaginal bleeding when taking Levonorgestrel can mask symptoms of cervical cancer or endometrial cancer. bow.
If you still have questions about menstruating while taking Avalo contraceptive pill for 13 days, you can continue to take it, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!
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Answered by Pharmacist Quang Anh Nguyet - Pharmacist in charge of pharmacies - Pharmacy Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital