The dangers of overusing antibiotics

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The abuse of antibiotics is becoming more and more common, the reason is that anyone can easily buy antibiotics. However, the consequences of overuse of antibiotics are dangerous, especially in children.

1. What are antibiotics?

Antibiotics, also known as antibiotics, are substances extracted from microorganisms, fungi, synthetic or semi-synthetic. These are drugs that kill bacteria (microorganisms that cause infections) or specifically inhibit the growth of bacteria.
Although antibiotics have the positive effect of treating diseases, killing disease-causing bacteria, preventing bacteria from multiplying and releasing toxic substances that are harmful to the body, it also has side effects such as allergic reactions. side effects or allergies. On the other hand, the overuse of antibiotics makes the emergence of resistant bacteria increasingly common such as: methicillin-resistant staphylococcus; penicillin-resistant pneumococci; salmonela multi-resistant to choramphenicol, ampicillin, cotrimoxazole... The presence of these bacteria poses a serious danger to human life.

2. The overuse of antibiotics is common

To own antibiotic pills, you can easily go to the pharmacy to buy without a doctor's prescription. It can be said that buying antibiotics in Vietnam has never been so easy. Overuse of antibiotics makes the resistance of Vietnamese children become weaker and weaker, when antibiotics are no longer able to kill common infections.
Parents who see their children have a cough, fever, and mild sore throat, even though they do not need to use antibiotics, also arbitrarily prescribe antibiotics or buy old prescription drugs for their children to take. These minor diseases of children, instead of using antibiotics, can use both safe and effective measures such as rinsing the nose, gargling with salt water, using cough medicine... If the condition recurs or does not improve. reduce, take the child to the medical center for treatment as prescribed by the doctor. Arbitrary use of antibiotics makes the drug not only not treat the disease, but also causes the body to produce drug-resistant bacteria that are dangerous to the patient.
Antibiotics are only used when there is an infection, but whether the child's disease is caused by an infection or not, can only be examined by a doctor and made a conclusion. Therefore, antibiotics must be taken according to the doctor's prescription.

Lạm dụng kháng sinh có thể gây ra kháng kháng sinh
Lạm dụng kháng sinh có thể gây ra kháng kháng sinh

3. Unpredictable consequences of overusing antibiotics

Using antibiotics is like a double-edged sword, on the one hand it helps to treat diseases effectively, on the other hand, when using antibiotics, more or less on the body, there are bacteria that secrete substances that are resistant to antibiotics. used by the patient. It can be seen that if you regularly use antibiotics for the right disease or abuse, the level of resistance to antibiotics will increase, the more types, the more resistant the body will be to antibiotics.
Later, when it is necessary to use antibiotics to kill disease-causing germs, it will no longer work, the patient is at risk of more severe illness and possibly death. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics will lead to serious consequences, especially for children.

Lạm dụng kháng sinh đặc biệt nguy hiểm ở trẻ em
Lạm dụng kháng sinh đặc biệt nguy hiểm ở trẻ em

Poisoning: Antibiotics or any drugs that are put into the human body are absorbed, metabolized in the liver and eliminated by the kidneys. Therefore, the liver will be the first organ to receive and react. The liver and kidneys in children are very weak, incomplete and slow to be eliminated, so if the drug is used regularly, it will cause accumulation and poisoning.
Causes allergies, diabetes and obesity: Few people would have guessed that the abuse of antibiotics also makes children obese and diabetic. The reason is that antibiotics will harm the bacteria in the intestines of children. In addition, antibiotics contain some dyes that interact with ibuprofen and acetaminophen, which are commonly used medications for children. Even a very small amount of the additive can cause an allergic reaction in a sensitive child.
Antibiotic resistance: The overuse of antibiotics is weakening the resistance of a generation of children. The phenomenon of drug resistance, antibiotic resistance makes treating common diseases more difficult than ever, bacteria are now resistant to the vast majority of antibiotics.
Increased risk of death from diarrhea: Most colds and flus are caused by viruses, so taking antibiotics in this case not only does not cure the disease but also causes unwanted side effects such as diarrhea , causing serious illness and increasing the risk of death.
To limit the abuse of antibiotics, especially with children, parents absolutely do not buy and use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. In case, the child gets sick again, he also does not use the antibiotic left over from the previous treatment, does not share or share his antibiotic with others. Always take the full dose of antibiotics, even if you feel better. In addition, it is necessary to help children prevent infections by regularly washing hands with soap and keeping the body healthy

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