The article was professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Vu Thi Hau - Doctor of Diagnostic Imaging - Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital. The doctor has many years of experience in the field of diagnostic imaging including magnetic resonance imaging, CT scanner and ultrasound.
X-rays play a role in determining abnormalities in different locations in the lungs. The results of X-rays help to rule out or predict the disease, combined with other tests to help doctors give the most accurate diagnosis.
1. What is bronchitis?
Bronchitis is a disease that occurs in the lower respiratory tract, manifested by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. Bronchitis is divided into 2 types:
- Acute bronchitis: Usually occurs in a short time, can last for several weeks.
- Chronic bronchitis: Can last for months or years.

2. How to diagnose bronchitis
Symptoms of bronchitis include:
- Bronchitis causes high fever.
- Coughing up phlegm that cannot be cured.
- Dry coughing in bouts.
- Severe pain in the chest.
- Dyspnea, stridor, and wheezing in some patients.
Accurate diagnosis is essential for correctly identifying bronchitis, as relying solely on clinical diagnosis can sometimes lead to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. To determine the presence and severity of bronchitis, patients should undergo a bronchial X-ray. This imaging study not only helps assess the condition but also assists the doctor in recommending the most suitable treatment.
3. X-rays are important in diagnosing bronchitis
X-rays are only used for subjects with severe symptoms and suspected of more dangerous respiratory diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.) such as people over 75 years old, with a rapid pulse > 100 times/minute, breathing rate > 24 times/minute, with consolidation syndrome when examining the lungs, etc.
Based on the results of chest X-rays, doctors can see dangerous diseases originating from the lungs: Specifically: Pneumonia, lung abscess, lung cancer. Once the disease is detected, specialists will have a way to handle and treat it promptly.

Usually, if the patient has bronchitis, the film will show increased density in the bronchial branches on both sides (thickening of the bronchial wall). This increased density is the result of mucus accumulation caused by viruses, bacteria or inflammation of the respiratory mucosa and reduced activity of the cilia in smokers.
In addition, there are several other signs showing abnormalities in the lungs and bronchi such as hyperinflated lungs, blurring of the boundary between blood vessels due to inflammatory reactions around the two lung hila, etc.
Changes in lung function will lead to changes in the normal structures of the lungs, which are shown in X-ray images. Therefore, it can be said that the image on the X-ray film reflects abnormal changes in the lung structure after a period of illness. Depending on the doctor's judgment, the effectiveness of the diagnosis is determined.
4. Some other tests used in the diagnosis of bronchitis
In most cases, after a clinical examination, the doctor will make a definitive diagnosis of the disease, then prescribe treatment based on the symptoms of the disease. However, if after some time the treatment is ineffective, it is necessary to do the following additional tests:
- Blood test: Increased peripheral blood leukocytes 10,000 - 15,000/mm3, increased neutrophils, left-shifted leukocyte formula; increased erythrocyte sedimentation is a common result of bronchitis.
- Microbiological test: The patient is asked to give a sputum sample to send to the laboratory. The test results can accurately determine which type of bacteria is causing the disease. An antibiogram can then inform the physician on which antibiotic to effectively fight the pathogen in question.
A blood test is one of the tests performed in the General Health Checkup packages at Vinmec International General Hospital along with other tests. The health screening and general health checkup package of Vinmec International General Hospital is completely different from performing a regular health check. The program is designed scientifically and practically to assess your entire health status, at the same time detect early, intervene and treat promptly to minimize complications of serious diseases that threaten your life.
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