Staying optimistic can prolong your life

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Many people think that longevity is largely determined by genetics, however, genetics or genes only play a small role. It is environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle that are key. Optimism is also a predictor of longevity that can be extended regardless of a person's habits when it comes to tobacco use, alcohol consumption, exercise, eating right, or routine medical care.

1. Optimism

Research shows that an optimistic outlook on life can increase the likelihood of each of us living a long life to old age. The findings stem from the optimism and life expectancy of nearly 70,000 women and 1,400 men. It builds on previous research linking high levels of optimism with a reduced risk of chronic disease and early death.
Lead author of the study, Lewina Lee, clinical research psychologist at the US National Center said: “This study takes us further by suggesting that optimists are optimistic. were more likely to achieve 'extraordinary longevity', which we define as living to 85 years or more, compared with the least optimistic people in the population. The most optimistic men and women studied were between 50% and 70% more likely to reach that particular life expectancy milestone. Research shows, they are also 11% to 15% more likely to live longer.
Lee said, these findings hold up even after accounting for other influences, such as educational background, marital status, friendships, chronic health problems and depression .
Optimism is also a predictor of a longer life span regardless of tobacco and alcohol use, exercise, eating right, or routine medical care. "Most previous studies have focused on deficits or problems that increase the risk of death," noted Lee. "Our study is so novel that we looked at the benefits of a 'psychological asset' - that is optimism - in promoting longevity."

2. How influential is optimism?

The team says these findings could point the way towards new interventions that promote optimism and, in turn, prolong life, such as meditation and certain programs. psychological therapy. Men aged 41 to 90 years (mean age: 62) were similarly assessed, having a physical exam in 1986 and followed up over the course of 30 years. At the end of the follow-up period, the researchers found that the outcomes for women and men were roughly the same: The more optimistic individuals were, the greater their chances of living a long life, and their chances of achieving a "special" age. greater. It should be noted, however, that this is only a found association, not a causal relationship.
Lee said: “The association between optimism and longevity was particularly independent of depression. This means that optimism and depression can coexist. Thus, even for those struggling with depression, a little optimism can do wonders for their longevity.

Cá nhân càng lạc quan thì cơ hội sống lâu càng lớn.
Cá nhân càng lạc quan thì cơ hội sống lâu càng lớn.

3. Is optimism good?

There are many reasons why optimism extends lifespan, says Kit Yarrow, a consumer psychologist at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. Optimists experience less stress, says Yarrow, because they don't tend to focus on negative emotions and feel more empowered to work through obstacles and get out of trouble, Yarrow says. problems and failures. Stress is an invisible killer and wreaks havoc on our bodies.”
Optimists are also less likely to experience depression, feelings of hopelessness and negativity, factors that often lead to poorer health and higher rates of disease, she added.
On top of that, Yarrow says, optimists tend to take better care of themselves and have an easier time making and keeping friends. A factor that is also very important in improving physical and mental health.
She admits that access to money, good food and education and of course genetics can also have a big impact on longevity.
However, unlike genetics, Yarrow says, "optimism is entirely learnable."

4. 13 habits that can help prolong life

Many people think that longevity is largely determined by genetics. However, genetics or genes play only a small role, and environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle are key.

4.1. Avoid overeating

Between calorie intake and life expectancy there is a correlation that is currently of great interest. In animals, studies have shown that a 10-50% reduction in normal calorie intake can increase maximum lifespan. Studies of celebrity populations on longevity have also observed a link between lower calorie intake and longer life expectancy as well as a lower risk of disease. Furthermore, calorie restriction can help reduce excess body weight and belly fat. However, long-term calorie restriction is often unsustainable and can include negative side effects, such as increased hunger, low body temperature, and decreased sex drive. Whether calorie restriction slows aging or prolongs life is not fully understood, and further research is needed on this matter.

4.2. Eat more seeds

Nuts are a powerful nutritional source rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds, and are an excellent source of several vitamins and minerals such as copper, magnesium, potassium, folate, niacin and vitamins B6 and E. Studies show that nuts have beneficial effects on heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, belly fat levels, and even some cancer form. People who consumed at least 3 servings of nuts per week had a 39% lower risk of premature death, and two recent reviews of more than 350,000 people found that people who ate nuts had a 4 to 4 percent lower risk of dying. 27% over the study period with the greatest reduction seen in those who ate 1 serving of nuts per day.

Những người ăn các loại hạt có nguy cơ tử vong thấp hơn.
Những người ăn các loại hạt có nguy cơ tử vong thấp hơn.

4.3. Use turmeric powder

Turmeric is an excellent anti-aging option because it contains curcumin, a potent bioactive compound that helps maintain brain, heart and lung function, and protects against cancer and related diseases. to age. Curcumin has also been shown to increase longevity in both insects and mice. These findings have not always been replicated, however, and no human studies are currently available.

4.4. A diet rich in healthy plant foods

Eating a variety of plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and beans, can reduce the risk of disease and increase life expectancy. Eating a lot of plant foods is very beneficial for health and longevity. Many studies have shown that a plant-based diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants from plant foods, including polyphenols, carotenoids, folate, and vitamin C, reduces the risk of premature death. cancer, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, depression and dementia.
Another study found that vegetarian and vegan diets with a higher-than-normal content of plant foods also reduced the risk of premature death by 12-15%. The same study also reported a 29-52% lower risk of dying from cancer or heart, kidney or hormone-related diseases. What's more, some studies show that eating more meat increases the risk of premature death and certain diseases.

4.5. Exercise regularly

It is not surprising that maintaining exercise activity for as little as 15 minutes a day can keep us healthy and prolong our life by up to 3 years, the risk of premature death is also reduced by 4 %. A recent review observed a 22% lower risk of premature death in people who exercised even though they exercised less than 150 minutes per week, while those who reached the recommended 150 minutes were less likely to die. 28% earlier. Regular physical activity can prolong life, and 150 minutes or more of exercise per week is best.

4.6. No smoking

Smoking is closely related to disease, typically the cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease leading to early death. Smokers can lose up to 10 years of life and are three times more likely to die prematurely than non-smokers, either active or passive. It's never too late to quit smoking and you should start a smoking cessation program now. One study reported that people who quit smoking at the age of 35 could extend their life by up to 8.5 years, and those who quit smoking at age 60 could extend their life by up to 3.7 years. Even quitting in your 80s can still be beneficial.

4.7. Don't drink too much alcohol

Heavy drinking is linked to liver, heart and pancreatic disease, as well as increasing the risk of premature death in general, but drinking alcohol in moderation also reduces the risk of early death by 17-18%, especially Wine is rich in beneficial polyphenol antioxidants. Results from a 29-year study showed that men who liked wine were 34% less likely to die prematurely than men who enjoyed beer or spirits. Another review found that wine is particularly protective against heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders and metabolic syndrome. For women, aim for 1-2 units or less per day, and up to 7 units per week. Men should keep their daily intake under 3 units, with a maximum of 14 units per week. Also, it should be noted that there are no strong studies showing that the benefits of moderate drinking outweigh the benefits of abstaining from alcohol. If you are not in the habit of drinking alcohol, it is not necessary to drink. If you drink alcohol, maintaining it in moderation can help prevent disease and prolong life.

Hãy chỉ uống bia rượu ở một lượng vừa phải.
Hãy chỉ uống bia rượu ở một lượng vừa phải.

4.8. Prioritize your own happiness

Experiencing a happy life can significantly increase life expectancy, specifically, people who live happier can reduce their rate of premature death by 3.7% over a 5-year period. For those who felt happiest at age 22, the odds of surviving six decades were 2.5 times higher. Another review of 35 studies found that happy people can live up to 18 percent longer than less happy people. Happiness can have positive effects not only on mood but also on longevity.

4.9. Avoid stress

Anxiety and stress can significantly reduce life expectancy as stressed or anxious women are 2 times more likely to die from heart disease, stroke or lung cancer. The risk of premature death in anxious or stressed men is up to 3 times higher than in those who lead comfortable lives. Studies show that pessimists are 42% more likely to die prematurely than optimists. Laughter and optimism can be the two main solutions to reduce stress, so maintaining a positive attitude will help us live longer.

4.10. Connect socially and maintain relationships

Researchers report that maintaining social relationships can help people live up to 50% longer. Even having just 3 social relationships such as making friends, colleagues and neighbors can reduce the risk of dying prematurely by 200%. Studies have shown that maintaining healthy social relationships also has a positive effect on heart, brain, hormonal, and immune function, reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Good relationships help us reduce negative thoughts, reduce stress, and improve our quality of life.

4.11. Live consciously and responsibly

Based on data from a study that followed 1,500 boys and girls into old age, children who were perceived as persistent, organized, and disciplined lived 11% longer than those who were not. awake. People who live consciously and responsibly may also have lower blood pressure and fewer mental illnesses, as well as a reduced risk of diabetes and heart problems or musculoskeletal disease. This may be partly due to the fact that people who live a conscious and responsible life are less likely to take dangerous risks, react negatively to life's stressors, or always have a higher chance of a successful career. about their physical and mental health.

4.12. Drink tea or coffee

Tea and coffee are both associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases as polyphenols and catechins found in green tea may reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease; Coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Both coffee and tea drinkers benefited from a 20-30% reduction in the risk of premature death compared with non-drinkers. However, too much caffeine can also lead to anxiety and insomnia, so limit your daily intake to the recommended limit of 400mg, which is about 4 cups of coffee. It should also be noted that, for people who have more difficulty sleeping, it is recommended to drink it early in the morning because it usually takes six hours for the effects of caffeine to be eliminated.

4.13. Develop a good sleep habit

Sleep is very important to regulate cell function and help your body heal, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, 7-8 hours of sleep is appropriate, should not sleep too little and sleeping too much, sleeping less than 5-7 hours per night is associated with 12% higher risk of premature death, sleeping more than 8-9 hours per night can also reduce your life expectancy by up to 38%. Too little sleep can also promote inflammation and increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity leading to a shortened life; Too much sleep leads to depression, which negatively affects each person's life expectancy.
Above are some positive life attitudes that can help you improve your life expectancy. Be persistent in doing so to have a long happy life.
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