Aging HEALTHY: Don't Forget Physical Activity

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Along with modern life, people's life expectancy is longer, but it does not mean a better quality of life in the late afternoon. As we age, our mind and body also change. A healthy lifestyle can help older adults cope with such changes, as well as help prevent certain health problems and help older adults enjoy each meaningful day.
Healthy lifestyles for the elderly include:

1. Healthy Diet

Diet needs to be adjusted according to age. Older people need lower calories, but still need to be full of nutrients.
Eat foods that give you lots of nutrients without many calories. This includes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy, nuts and seeds, low-fat meats, butter, sugar, salt and packaged foods, foods that do not calories but high in salt and sugar such as chips, candy, baked goods, soft drinks and especially alcohol Drink enough water to avoid dehydration Healthy menu in every main meal and snack: replace white bread with cereal whole grain cup. Add kidney beans to soups or apple slices to your salad. Fiber keeps you fuller for longer, lowers cholesterol levels and lowers your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer. A high-fiber diet also helps avoid constipation, which is common in older adults. After the age of 50, men should consume 30 grams of fiber per day and women should consume 21 grams of fiber. Many studies have proven that the above diet can increase life expectancy, prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. The researchers believe they work by way of the physical changes in chromosomes involved in diseases caused by aging.

Người có tuổi cần lượng calo thấp hơn, nhưng vẫn phải đầy đủ dưỡng chất
Người có tuổi cần lượng calo thấp hơn, nhưng vẫn phải đầy đủ dưỡng chất

2. Regular physical exercise

Active exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and avoid chronic health problems. Regular exercise can increase life expectancy and prolong disease-free life, in addition:
Prevention of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, certain types of cancer, depression and dementia wisdom. Improves appetite Maintains flexibility Reduces stiffness and pain from arthritis Reduces bone loss and strengthens muscles thereby reducing the risk of falls and fractures Supports mood and well-being Without regular exercise Previously, it was possible to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity to the desired level. The intensity and type of exercise will depend on your age and health. The recommended exercise intensity for older adults is the same as for younger adults, which is at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week of 10 minutes or more, equivalent to 30 minutes of exercise per day, 5 days. 1 week.
Each person has different endurance to exercise intensity, so it is necessary to consider carefully before exercising. Many elderly people are inherently active, while others have mobility or health problems that limit the amount of exercise they can do.
It is not necessary to practice strenuously to achieve results, but it is necessary to incorporate exercise into daily activities. Just making small changes each day can have a big effect, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking instead of using a motor vehicle, or going for a walk. In general, the more physically active, the greater the effect. However, again please note, if the amount of exercise is not high in the past, gradually increase the intensity of exercise to limit the risk of injury.

Tích cực tập luyện giúp duy trì cân nặng khoẻ mạnh và tránh các vấn đề sức khỏe mãn tính
Tích cực tập luyện giúp duy trì cân nặng khoẻ mạnh và tránh các vấn đề sức khỏe mãn tính
Each exercise will provide different specific benefits, as below:
a) Cardio exercises that keep the heart, lungs and vascular system healthy, including:
Brisk walking (eg. like walking the dog) Swimming Gardening Playing Golf (note walking, do not use the tram!) Play Tennis Aerobic gymnastics Cycling Dancing b) Strengthening exercises help limit muscle loss and bone mass often accompany aging, reducing the risk of falls and increasing the ability to perform tasks of daily living. Try to do it twice a week, incorporating these exercises into your daily activities to help yourself become more independent as you age.
Climbing stairs Climbing hills Digging the ground in the garden Resistance exercise or using weights Light lifting, such as goods, garden tools or small children c) Elderly people who are at risk of falling should do exercises. Incorporate daily activities to improve balance at least 2 times a week
Yoga Dancing Walking Cycling Gardening Stretching exercises. Everyone benefits from a reduced amount of time spent in sedentary lifestyles, so cut back on the time you spend watching TV, and instead take regular short walks around the garden, walking instead of taking short bus or car rides.
Try to walk for about 30 minutes a day, if it's too much, divide it into short segments. Regular exercise helps keep brain cells healthy by providing more blood and oxygen. In fact, studies show that aerobic exercise can delay or improve symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, along with the following benefits:
Weight control Improves mood Improves skeletal muscle strength Helps to sleep well Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia.

Hãy cố gắng đi bộ khoảng 30 phút mỗi ngày, nếu quá sức thì chia thành những đoạn ngắn
Hãy cố gắng đi bộ khoảng 30 phút mỗi ngày, nếu quá sức thì chia thành những đoạn ngắn

3. Stay Optimistic

There are many activities that can keep your brain active and improve memory, including learning new skills, reading, and playing games. Life challenges us in many ways, pain like seeing a loved one pass away, work stagnation and health problems can add up, but positive thinking can be a powerful ally. we. When you choose to be optimistic and grateful, your mind and body will respond in kind. People with a positive outlook on life live longer and experience fewer heart attacks and depression than those with a negative outlook. Positive emotions can even reduce the viral load in people with HIV. Optimism just takes time and practice. Things to do to stay positive include:
Smile, even smile try, because smiling helps reduce stress. Thought-oriented, direct your thoughts to the good instead of focusing on the bad. Write a gratitude journal. Do good things for others. Surround yourself with people who are mentally stimulating. Accept the things that cannot be changed. Prioritize mental health by working to improve mental health, for example, through meditation, relaxation techniques, or expressions of gratitude.
People who have hobbies and participate in social and recreational activities may have a lower risk of certain health problems. Doing things you love makes people happier and improves their thinking ability. Loneliness is very harmful to health. If you feel lonely – whether you live alone or with loved ones, have many friends or not – older people are at increased risk of developing dementia or depression. Seniors say feeling left out and isolated makes it more difficult for them to do everyday tasks like showering and climbing stairs. They also died earlier than those who were less lonely. Researchers found that lonely people had higher levels of the stress hormone, which causes inflammation or swelling, which is linked to arthritis and diabetes. Another study found that lonely people have more antibodies to certain herpes viruses, a sign of stress in their immune systems. So stay connected and make friends, volunteer or simply help someone in need.

4. No smoking

If you smoke, quitting is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Tobacco is dangerous to life, it harms almost every organ in the body. Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and other products with nicotine cause heart disease, cancer, lung and gum disease, and many other health problems. It's never too late to quit smoking.

Bỏ thuốc là một trong những điều quan trọng nhất mà bạn có thể làm cho sức khỏe của mình
Bỏ thuốc là một trong những điều quan trọng nhất mà bạn có thể làm cho sức khỏe của mình

5. Actively take care of your health

Not only the elderly, but everyone should have regular health check-ups and check-ups as needed. Know what medications you are taking, why you need them, and how to take them properly.

6. Take steps to prevent falls

Older adults have a higher risk of falling, and the risk of breaking a bone in a fall is also higher. Get regular eye exams, get regular physical activity and make a safer place to live to reduce your risk of falls.

7. Choose the right functional food

Often it is better to get nutrients from food rather than from medicine. And elderly people usually don't need special supplements. After the age of 50, the body needs more vitamins and minerals from food or supplements than before. These include:
Calcium (to keep bones strong) Vitamin D (Most people get it from sunlight, but some older people may not get enough.) Vitamin B12 (It's hard for older adults to get it.) Vitamin B6 about any supplements you are taking to avoid adverse interactions with any medications or treatments.

Sau tuổi 50, cơ thể cần nhiều vitamin và khoáng chất từ thực phẩm hoặc chất bổ sung hơn trước
Sau tuổi 50, cơ thể cần nhiều vitamin và khoáng chất từ thực phẩm hoặc chất bổ sung hơn trước

8. Go to sleep

Insomnia is common in the elderly, when it is more difficult for them to fall asleep. To help keep the body clock in sync so that the elderly get the sleep they need, try the following:
Proper lighting in the bedroom. Turn off the TV, cell phone and laptop before going to bed. Avoid caffeine or alcohol in the evening. Do not nap for more than 20 minutes during the day. Check with your doctor about medications that can cause insomnia. These tips can help us stay healthy as we age. Even if you've never done them before, it's never too late to start taking care of your health.

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