Small hemangioma surgery

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Small hemangiomas are very small hemangiomas that can occur in any blood vessel in the body, most commonly seen in young children and infants. Surgery to treat small hemangiomas is the most optimal measure of all small hemangioma treatment methods, making the patient's health recover as soon as possible.

1. What is a small hemangioma?

Small hemangioma is a tumor with benign characteristics, appearing a lot in children, sometimes also seen convex hemangiomas in adults. Small hemangioma is defined as an uncontrolled growth of blood cells that can be arteries, veins or capillaries in the human body, with a diameter of less than 10cm and can occur in any location. as small hemangiomas in the skin, bones, muscles and internal organs. Small hemangiomas often appear on the surface of the skin, if the tumor occurs in the head, face, neck, it will have many different shapes, sizes or colors.
How to recognize a hemangioma in a newborn is a painless tumor with various colors, can be red or blue, usually appearing on the skin, lips, oral mucosa, when touched, it can be seen. soft. In some cases, small hemangiomas can cause bleeding or ulcer formation when injured or bumped into the tumor site. If the tumor is located deep in the patient's muscle, it will cause swelling and pain. Small hemangiomas are usually caused by an abnormality in blood cells during fetal development while in the womb, or by trauma and genetics.

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U máu nhỏ thường xuất hiện ở trên da của trẻ em

According to some studies, small hemangiomas are very unlikely to develop into cancerous cells, however, it can leave a number of dangerous complications, one of which is causing irreversible deformities. desired on the patient's body. Therefore, when detecting signs of suspicion of small hemangiomas, it is necessary to take the child to the doctor immediately to detect and conduct surgery to treat small hemangiomas as soon as possible.

2. Surgery to treat small hemangiomas

Surgery to treat small hemangiomas is considered to be the most suitable technique to cure small hemangiomas that have not penetrated into nearby organs. When a patient has been confirmed to have a small hemangioma based on clinical and laboratory tests, especially the results of computed tomography as well as magnetic resonance imaging show that the tumor is less than 10 cm in diameter. and there is no damage to other organs, surgery will be indicated to treat small hemangiomas.
Clinically, the most commonly operated cases are small hemangiomas in muscles, bones and small hemangiomas appearing on the skin surface, affecting vision, eating ability and respiratory function. If patients with small hemangiomas have serious chronic diseases, hematologic diseases, old age, and physical exhaustion, they will not be able to perform surgery but must choose a safer treatment for other small hemangiomas. , which can be sclerotherapy or laser irradiation.
The surgical steps to treat small hemangiomas include:
Place the patient in a position suitable for the position of the small hemangioma on the patient's body. Administer endotracheal, epidural or plexus anesthesia, depending on tumor location. Measure ECG and SpO2 during surgery. Place central and peripheral intravenous lines. Support oxygen ventilator for patients.

Sử dụng máy thở oxy hỗ trợ và kiểm soát hô hấp của bệnh nhân
Sử dụng máy thở oxy hỗ trợ và kiểm soát hô hấp của bệnh nhân

Make a skin incision across the tumor or make a diamond incision around the small hemangioma. Using a specialized electric knife to dissect the tumor, and burn and remove the bleeding areas during the surgery to reveal the blood vessels feeding the tumor clearly. Suture large blood vessels with Prolene thread in case bleeding occurs. Be very careful with small hemangiomas located close to sensitive vascular or nerve bundles. Hemostasis for the patient Lymphatic fistula Take samples to send to the pathology department for testing. Hemostasis around the tumor removal area Thoroughly check for lymphatic leaks before closing the incision Place drainage for the patient Close the incision according to anatomical layers After surgery to treat small hemangiomas, follow-up is required Some complications are as follows:
Need to do blood tests, especially red blood cells, Hematocrit after surgery. Monitor the patient's extremities and drainage. Prophylactic antibiotic therapy for venous infections. Give the patient pain medication in case of need Transfuse blood and blood replacement solutions to the patient if prescribed by the doctor.

Theo dõi hồng cầu và truyền máu cho bệnh nhân nếu cần thiết
Theo dõi hồng cầu và truyền máu cho bệnh nhân nếu cần thiết

Instruct the patient to do light exercise If there is a case of bleeding, a compression bandage is required, if necessary, surgery can be indicated to check for adhesion problems or lesions around the tumor removal area. Signs of damage to the sensory nerves should be reported to the doctor immediately. If the patient has damage to the blood vessels that feed the extremities, surgery can be done to treat this condition. Surgical treatment of small hemangiomas is an effective method to remove tumors and damaged structures in small hemangiomas. Therefore, when there are any signs of small hemangiomas, patients need to go to reputable medical facilities for timely examination and detection, from which they will be treated with appropriate measures. fit.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in neurological examination and treatment, patients can completely peace of mind for examination and treatment at the Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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