Article written by the Clinical Pharmacy Department of Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Side effects occur in around 50% of Helicobacter pylori therapy cases. However, these adverse effects are usually mild and temporary, and only a small percentage (<10%) of patients need to discontinue treatment due to pharmacological side effects.
1. What is Helicobacter pylori?
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium found in the mucous layer of the stomach or duodenum. H. pylori infects around 50% of the world's population, with the majority of people experiencing no symptoms. However, some individuals may develop gastrointestinal disorders such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, or, less typically, stomach cancer.
H. pylori treatment frequently necessitates the use of a combination of treatments, including those that limit stomach acid secretion to aid ulcer repair, antibiotics, and certain additional medications to boost the efficiency of eradicating H. pylori or regulating symptoms.
2. Some negative effects of treating Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
Metallic taste in the mouth: This is a common side effect of regimens comprising metronidazole (Flagyl®) or clarithromycin (Klacid®). Drinking plenty of water and using certain types of chewing gum or mints will help alleviate the metallic taste. Some fruits and vegetables can also help relieve discomfort.
When using metronidazole (Flagyl®) with alcohol, you may have red skin, headache, nausea, sweating, and a fast heart rate. As a result, for at least 24 hours after taking metronidazole (Flagyl®), drinking should be avoided.

Bismuth can induce black feces, constipation, and a black tongue. The symptoms will resolve on their own, especially once the treatment is completed. However, it is vital to distinguish it from dark stools caused by gastrointestinal hemorrhage. If you experience black stools together with other signs of suspected gastrointestinal bleeding, such as vomiting blood, abdominal pain, exhaustion, paleness, etc., consult your doctor or pharmacist for assistance.
It is critical to utilize the medicine completely and during the treatment term, so if you have any of the following adverse effects, discomfort, or abnormality, please consult your doctor or pharmacist for help.
>>See more: Photodynamic therapy and vaccinations in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori - Article by Master, Doctor Mai Vien Phuong, Gastrointestinal endoscopy doctor, Department of Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
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